
I'm considering buying EdenPure heater, does anyone have any opinions, cost effective, warm heat, etc?

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I'm considering buying EdenPure heater, does anyone have any opinions, cost effective, warm heat, etc?




  1. You must live in a climate that experiences winter, or you wouldn't be considering buying one.   Having no way of knowing how much energy costs, both electric and nat. gas are going to go up this summer, (I hear it's going to be steep), I can tell you that one of my brother and sister in laws bought two of them last winter and were very happy with the results.  They're pretty sure they saved quite a chunk of money, over even the corn stove they normally use to heat with.    They're not cheap initially, but apparently run quite efficiently.  The in laws said their house was nice and warm throughout all winter long, with a minimum of gas usage.

  2. Warm, yes it's a heater.

    Is it the magical thing they say it is, no!

    A Friend of mine has one purchased from his relation's.

    I Iet him use my space heater for the same room and he had the same result. No difference.

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