
I'm considering commuting to school from home - what do you think?

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I live only 30 minutes away from school. I have lived at school for three years and I have three more to go (I am in a combined program pharmacy school 2+4 program). I don't like having someone else dictate my schedule (ie my roommate). There are lots of advantages to my particular situation including the fact that my house is near a train station that goes directly to the city where my school is located.

I could save over $25,000 over the next two years by commuting. I also feel that I might enjoy commuting more than I enjoy living at school.

However, I have my doubts. I tend to be a late riser and I like to do things at the last minute. Additionally, the roads I would travel are fairly busy.

Still, 30 minutes each way is not that bad. I am seriously considering it. What do you think?




  1. I would commute... but then again, I love driving, and I hate living in school areas.... everywhere I want to go is at least 10 minutes of driving time, so I'm used to it.

    I don't have a train, so I don't really know how I would like that, but hey you could probably get some extra sleep on the way to school...

    I am a late riser too, and if the roads are pretty busy there are probably going to be accidents and other things that mess you up every once in awhile... is it going to be a problem for you to be late occasionally? or are you going to have to leave extra early, just in case something happens...

  2. Don't be impulsive. Go to the station and actually try commuting. Maybe you'll find out that the station is way too crowded, or the train is always late therefore you will always be late for class. If you're already established in residence or on-campus, then chances are once you leave, it will be really hard to go back if the commute option doesn't work out. You really have to ask yourself if you have the willpower to commute. When you live far away, its real easy to say "well today's class isn't that important and I don't feel like commuting today... it's too far..." Your roommate might no longer dictate your schedule, but train/bus/traffic schedules will dictate your schedule.

    I commute 1 hour to get to school, then depending on my schedule, 2 hours home if I get caught in rush hour. I used to be a late riser, but necessity drove me to become a morning person. It is possible to change, but you have to want it.

    It's a lifestyle change. Just keep in mind, there's lots of people who love to commute, and lots of people who hate to commute. Make sure you know who you are before you decide.

  3. If the roads are busy, then it is not 30 minutes. It's an hour. And gas prices this summer alone are expected to rise to $4.00 a gal. You burn more gas sitting in traffic than you do driving fast.

    Now living at school is more expensive, but if it keeps you in check then I would suggest staying there.

    In regards to saving money, you would still save some money staying at home. Get yourself a nice, loud alarm clock. Rideshare if you can. But, you did say you can take the train. Get yourself a train pass. It's easier on the environment and you save a butt load of money. On that basis alone I would say go for it!!! Just make sure you get familiar with the train schedule.

  4. I personally would hate to commute, but if you think it would work for you, I see nothing wrong in trying it out for a semester and seeing how you feel.  30 minutes is all right, and on the train you can probably sleep or do your hw.

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