
I'm considering either Border Patrol, Military Officer training or regular police, what should I do?

by Guest33891  |  earlier

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I am a college graduate of a good school and lacking in career options right now. I see the Army is looking for officers and Border Patrol is looking for people right now. Several police departments are looking for recruits too. My GPA is slightly below a 3.0 because the school was competitive, but I'm not dumb. I was considering Border Patrol, but I'm wondering how the people are in it.

Which is best to join? I guess becoming an Army officer is good for your career if you stay in or leave, either way. Border Patrol seems cool and I like out West anyways.




  1. Do you want to go to war?, Do you want to be able to work pretty much anywhere in the southern united states? Do you want to protect a local city, county or state? those are your options. I wouldn't go into the military right now because I'm not to interested in going to war. Border patrol wouldn't be a bad option, you dont need a degree or anything they have a pretty short academy. Working for a local government isnt a bad deal either, id recommend working for a state agency such as a highway patrol or state police because you can work anywhere in that state and if you work for say california highway patrol you can work in the southern part of the state and work directly with border patrol and yet you can still transferfer anywhere else. Goodluck

  2. If you don't mind the danger, you can either join a police department or become a Military Officer (is that the same as MP?). The upside of the military is better pay than law enforcement.

    I'm not sure about Border Patrol but I know that it is less dangerous than your other two choices.

  3. You have to consider health benefits and what type of ret. benefits.

    Stay Federal.

    Federal Blue Cross/BS  runs you approx. $160 a month for single, , and you can take it into retirement at the same amount, you wont find that anywhere at that price, a lot of law enforcement police when retiring wind up paying anywhere from $900 to $1200 a month.

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