
I'm considering going veggie, so give me your pro's and con's?

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what proof is there that it is healthy, and what proof is there that it is unhealthy.

is there any proof that it helps animals or the environment?

thx : )




  1. Here is an answer to another question asked about why i am vegetarian

    I am a vegetarian. I HATE the way the animals are treated before they reach your plate. And it grosses me out. And it is not fuggin pointless beacuse of the animals. I also do it becasue it is good for the environmeant. A Vegetarian uses less than 1000 fresh water gallons a day with their meals. A meat eater uses over 3000. The meat has the be processes etc etc. The grass has to be watered taht the cows eat, and so forth. I feel it is not riht that we raise animals to eat. imagine, that is like growing a human baby and then when they are 5-10 years old, some tihng eats them. Not right. Plus, vegetarians are healthier, and they do not pollute as much. Animals (cows) give off methane gas and we are ruining the environment with our masses of cows!

    All the other people that are answering havent done their research, and they are just making c**p up. There are more pro's than con;'s. Saying that "There are really no pro's" enrages me. There ARE!! YOU HEAR THAT??? THERE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are more pro's than con's! Go veggie =]

    Also - if you are worried about vitamins, don't be! A handful of almods a day equals all the protien you need for that day! And calcium - nothing a glass of milk can't take care of a day! =]

  2. I've been vegetarian for about a year and it's the best choice ever.  If you really love animals and want to stick up for them, vegetarianism is a big stretch but if you're really committed it's not difficult.  Many people who say it's an unhealthy lifestyle only believe so because they don't take the proper steps to do it or just misjudge.  I'm already naturally petite so when I first started I had to make sure to still include protein and iron in my diet.  Some people do it to lose weight and they complain that it doesn't work because they think that just because they exclude meat from their diets they can eat a moon pie for breakfast every morning with 40 twinkies.  Being vegetarian and doing it the RIGHT way is healthy.  Eating more fruits and veggies and paying attention to your health.  I still drink milk and eat cheese and eggs, so I'm not vegan, but I have excluded all meats from my diet.  It was difficult when I first began but once you get used to it, it's so easy and positive.  

    Some good veggie foods are from Morning Star; they have veggie burgers, veggie dogs, and "chik'n nuggets" all with great amounts of soy, protein, and iron (and they taste so good)!

    I still have respect for those who choose to eat meat. Just because someone doesn't follow my morals it doesn't make them a bad person. I wish more people thought that way.

    Good luck with your vegetarian lifestyle!

  3. I went Vegetarian about 5 yrs ago because I was sick alot.  So, I researched on the computer, got lots of tips and recipes, and the rest is history!  I haven't been sick for any reason in so long, I can hardly remember what it was!

    Besides all of the health benefits of going vege, it can also save you lots of money!  I can get most of my food from a vege stand or farmer's market for (on the highest end) $40 per month.  Then I get the extras from the grocery store.  Try that eating steak!

    Another cool thing is that you will be trying new foods!  I would have never eaten half of the fruits and veges I do today had I stuck with a meat and potatoes diet.

    Plus, don't buy into the folks who tell you that you can only get protein from meat...It is nonsense.  You can combine something as simple as beans and rice to get your full proteins.  Talk to your doctor.  Most doctors recommend a mostly plant based diet.  I don't know of any dr today who would recommend to anyone to eat more meat, unless they were looking to kill ya.  

    Good luck!

  4. well many cow farms,pigs,and chicken farms use up alot of land

    but honestly i didnt go veggie because of the enviroment or for animal rights as some do

    i went veggie because its better for you.  my family is dominately obese and i did not want to be like them.  America in general is obese and I just didnt want to be another fatty walking down the street so being a vegetarian is much more healthier for you

    my big cons of it are im married and my husband doest eat veggies at all so we fight over fridge room he thinks im werid but were married so thats ok hes werid too i still cook meat based diners for hm i just keep the meat seperate when first going veggie its tough not to cheat a lil bit which is bound to happen  go to  it is also more expesive to buy vegetarian foods like morning star which i love

    and know that there is diffrent varieties of being a vegetarian like me I am lacto-ovo vegetarian which means i still eat eggs and milk i just dont eat meat

    im the type of person that believes in respecting othes some even get upset about others eating meat because of political reasons but my basic reason is its jut heather my family can serve steak ill even cook it but dont expect me to eat it

    many are confused about being a vegetarian if you eat right your body isnt deprived of anything and take a daily vitamin as all people should be doing any ways  it is your choice of what type of vegetarian you want to be but if you ask me being a full vegan is the hardest to do that means no milk or egg products and many products contain milk and eggs which for me is unreasonable thats why i chose to be lacto ovo

  5. Pros- short term healthiness, and being trendy

    Cons- depriving your body of vital nutrients.

    you choose.


  7. i really only have cons but they are not very many good resturants have veggie foods you would only get a small order for a big price. but if you are going to go veggie then you should ease into it. you might also want to get vitamins because you might lose protein.

  8. pro there is no pro sorry try studying it really doesn't matter if one person does it because everyone in the world still eats meat and it wouldn't matter because farmers still get paid Also studies show that people who go veggie get sick and have a weaker immune system because they aren't getting full natural proteins and immunities that meat can provide

  9. well it is healthy to be vegetarian cause you don't have to worry about all the fat in the meats

    problem is though you need SOME fats in your body and meat


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