
I'm considering on homeschooling my 5yr old till highschool level and have a placement test any suggestions

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the school system is comprised of leaders and followers, which scare me cause the leaders were at one time followers. Is it that important for kids to be subjected to the various brainwashing tactics in order to function successfully in society? Ring a bell its lunch time or ring a bell the dog salivate which is the difference? homeschooling to me means that time can be spent on areas that are unclear instead of categorizing each child based on past mistakes and not giving them a chance to take on a new character. It is hard being a teacher in todays time, not knowing if your going to get shot by some abused child tranferring its anger on to you.

I am not strong enough to watch my kid go to school and wonder about the group he decides to run with or create.




  1. Hun, you will not ruin your child's life!

    Do what you think is best!

    Just be sure to get your child involved in maybe other activities with family or with boy/girl scouts, sports teams, etc.

  2. I'm a public school teacher, but I was also a home schooling mom, so I've seen it from both sides.

    If you home school correctly and intensely, home schooling is the best option:  (1) Children don't develop intellectually, emotionally, or physically at the same rate.  Home schooling allows the parent to introduce material and challenges that suit the child at the point, rather than expecting all children to be exactly the same at the same age.  (2) Children need the emotionally support and comfort of their parents as they grow up.  To be honest, public school is emotionally brutal for almost all children.  They learn how to survive, but they grow up more emotionally stable if they are home schooled and protected from the emotional assaults that come from unsupervised peers.  (3)  Many of the behavior problems that children develop come from the group environment of public school rather than being developmental.  Home schooling often keeps children from going through those behavior problems.

    Now, to compare public school with home schooling.  (1) Curriculum in public school is chosen based on political decisions, not academic ones.  Home schooling allows the parent to seek out the very best curriculum for their child.  (2) No where in life is a person placed in one room with a group of 30 people of like age and asked to do the same task within the same amount of time.  And yet, that's exactly what the public school environment is:  30 children of the same age, placed in the same room, asked to complete the same task within the same amount of time.  Rather, the world of work is a group of people of vastly different ages asked to work together and to complete tasks within varied amounts of time (the home schooling model).  Home schooling can actually better prepare your child for the world of work.

    Find a really good, supportive home schooling group and join it.  Also, search out the good Internet resources.  You will do fine.

    (BTW, there is a great book called TEACH YOUR CHILD TO READ IN 100 LESSONS that would be a great start for a 5 year old.)

  3. get a grip... send the kid to public school.

  4. You are absolutely right!! The school systems brainwash the children.  Anyway, they need family time.  I would reccomend homeschooling.  I'm a homeschooled freshman and I love it.  I'm learning a lot and I get to spend time with my family.  The socialization argument is ridiculous.  how does it help a child to socialize when he's stuck in the same building with a bunch of kids his own age?  It doesn't!! I have plenty of friends and have never been to a public/private school in my life.  Anyway, there are SO many other homeschoolers that it would be easy for your child to make homeschool friends. GO HOMESCHOOLERS!!  By the way, it might help you to look up Dr. Jay L Wile's "Why Homeshool through Highschool" talk.  It's a great talk about homeschooling in general.  Also, look at vision forum with Doug Phillip.  Homeschooling is really the best school experience available to any child.

  5. DONT DO IT, just because your not strong enough doesnt mean you have to ruin your childs life, shes needs REAL social interaction or it could RUIN her for life

  6. I homeschool, not for exactly the reasons you list though.  However you do make a few good points.  At any rate homeschooling will NOT ruin your kids, it will cause you to maintain your bond with them, it will help them to grow up with a love of learning, it will help them to move forward at their own pace.  Go for it!

  7. Your views have little to do on homeschool/brick school.

    You do understand JOBS have time clocks and you have to show up on time and go to lunch on time.  They sometimes have bells ringing.

    But you have somewhat of a point because COLLEGE does ring bells.

  8. Well, if you want my opinon, neither homeschool or public school is necessarily "bad" You hear a lot of people these days saying "Homeschool: BAD BAD BAD" or "Public School; BAD BAD BAD" When really, they both have pros and cons. Will homeschooling ruin her life? Probably not, but success in it really does depend on the person. I personally loved elementary school, but as soon as I got to Middle School, I hated it. Some people really do need social interaction to learn and some feel claustrophobic about it. Because your daughter is so young, it's hard to know what she is going to find best. My suggestion would be to start her out in what you would prefer (obviously this is homeschool in your case) and when she gets older keep the option open. Let her have something of a say in it, because if you force her to do something you might be hindering more than helping.

  9. I have homeschooled my children for years now and for our family it worked great with the help of an online charter school. I still homeschool 2 of my children.  For information on how it worked for me and to share information with others go to

  10. I completely agree with busymom.  Start simple - just work on basic skills.  As he gets older, you will be able to see what his interests and learning style are, and you will be able to figure out which curricula choices will work for him.

    I would also really recommend that you get involved in a homeschooling group and ask for advice from the moms there.  This will help you more than you know!

    ( you even realize that it's often comments like yours that make us so ambivalent toward public schooling?   Even though you probably have a lot of knowledge to pass on to your students, your horrible attitude would be enough of a reason to keep my child far away from you.  There is no way I would allow him to be taught by someone as cynical as you.)

  11. Just start simple, these are real concerns, and have nothing to do with strength; no parent likes to place their child in situations that are not in their best interests.

    Home schooling is fairly simple; it does take a time commitment, but so does being an involved parent.

    click on the purple box to watch the video for free.

    Here are two web sites that can get you started,  --  and --

    These do require a small yearly fee of around $20,00 but you can make up a complete curriculum for at least the next three to four years, use the library as an additional resource.

    For very inexpensive readers, and supplemental materials look into Dover books, and coloring books; they have them for just about any subject you can think of ranging from $1.50 and up.

  12. What my mom did was go to All you have to do is see if the program is avalible in your state and if you decied to go with their program they will give you a placement test for your child online; to see what grade he will be in.

    PLUS, everything for k12 is free because its public school at home.

    Hope this helps.....

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