
I'm considering visiting latin america but have a real bad impression due to visiting areas of Los Angeles

by Guest63316  |  earlier

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MacArthur Park, East LA, Koreatown, downtown, etc...

Is there a difference?




  1. I can't put into words how much more beautiful Latin America is than Los need to go and learn for yourself. The beaches of Costa Rica, the mountains of Colombia, and the Amazon are some of the world's most beautiful places, and shouldn't even be mentioned with South-Central and other areas of dirty, overpopulated Los Angeles. Not to mention that the people in Latin America are so much kinder than anyone in the United States

  2. I guess you think all Latin America is like any latin american ghetto in the States. Sadly, most of the people who immigrate in the States are not qualified people who are going to look for a better future because in their own country they cannot do it. These people are not professionals and live there doing awful jobs (if they work) and therefore enter a vicious circle  of poverty and this leads to violence. Los Angeles has a huge immigration ratio, manily from Mexico and Central America.

    But you need to understand that certain areas are ghettos, and thus, do not reflect what the original country looks like. For an immigrant, it's very difficult to settle down in a country where people look down at them and treat them like scum.

    I went to Cancun a year ago and it was spring break. What I saw was a bunch of drunk, rowdy americans who were rude, drunk, shouting all the time, eating like pigs, spilling the food and drink anywhere, girls showing their b***s, etc. Am I then to assume that USA, the country, is like that? No way!! Then you cannot judge a country (in this case a continent) by the way a certain group of people live or behave.

  3. BUT WHAT LOS ANGELES HAS TO DO WITH LATIN AMERICA? Just because Los Angeles is populated by people of Latin American ancestry? Is like having an opinion about UK because you've met people in the US... Aff...

    At least you're beeing honest, you're the typical American "oh, I know about Latin America because I live in New Mexico..." WTF!

    And did your little brain ever thought that the emmigrants are the poorest and less educated people from a country?

  4. ...don't come, then.

  5. A little annoyed but I'll respond anyway.  You can't judge all of our latin countries and our people because of a bad area in LA.  Just like the states has a variety of people so do our countries.  Believe me you won't regret seeing the beautiful areas of any country you go to....and the people, I'm sure you'll realize, are some of the warmest you'll meet.  By the way did you notice I didn't tell you to go to my country? That's because all of our countries have something great to offer to tourists.

  6. Why would you even consider comparing Latin America to Los Angeles.. that's pretty sad.. There are so many countries and cultures in Latin America that its impossible to say that they live like In L.A.

    Read and learn more about the country that you choose to visit before making these ridiculous comments..

    Good Luck..


  7. I´ve been reading all the answers and I couldn´t agree more with all of you guys!!

    I´m from Argentina and I´ve been to LA many times.

    I know people like you are used to judging all latin americans comparing them with the "mojados" from mexico and other countries, including mine.

    Listen, I can´t talk for all South American countries, but i´ll tell ya that all my family from the US visited argentina many times and they all say it is just like europe.  (of course europe is a developed country, but they have said that the food, the people, even the way we drive is quite european.  For example, my family visited the south, especifically Villa la angostura, and they say they haven´t seen a place that looks more like switzerland.


    i suggest you come and see it for yourself...

  8. I have been to Los Angeles.  I have also been to Chile and to Argentina.  There is no comparison between L.A. and Latin America.

    In addition to a geographic difference there is also a gigantic cultural difference.  From my experience the people in Latin America are friendly, generous, warm, and loving people.

    The first time I went to South America, my narrow mind expected everyone to be like the mostly American Mexicans I saw in California, Arizona, and Texas.  But, the further south you go in Latin America the more European the people are.  The food is also European influenced.

    The best thing you could do is go experience it for yourself.

  9. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what los angeles has to do with latin america? Especially koreatown????!?!?!????

  10. Having lived and worked in LA, I understand your question. However, you no doubt have read the hostile and offended answers you have received. These folks are giving you good advice. I live in Latin America (South America for us Gringos!) now. It takes some time for Americans to adjust to the wonderful fact that Mexico does not represent Latin America.

    Basically, the farther you get from the border, the more pleasant your visit will be. I'd recommend you spend time in Brazil and Argentina, perhaps Uruguay as well. I don't know Chile at all, so can make no recommendations.

    The poorer countries can be wonderful, but would be harder for you to adjust. Additionally, there is anti-US sentiment right now in some countries, so a visit would be ill advised.

  11. los Angeles is the worst city of the U.S. to live. i would never live there. the city is full of poor,uneducated mexicans mostly.

    but,there are some central americans too. it's sad but these people represent us latinos in the U.S. as if we all latinos are bad and uneducated. we latinos in the U.S. have a very bad reputation just because of these bunch of mojaos "wetbacks" mostly from the other side of the border.

  12. If I thought all gringos were like the ones “visiting“ my country, I would never travel to US.

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