
I'm considerng a meatless/vegetarian lifestyle. What a the merits, moral, ethical issues to be aware of?

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I'm having a crisis of conscience. For more than a few years, I've wondered if it's morally ethical to consume meat? Especially now, when we have an over-abundance and ready-availabile food in our society. I can understand living a few hundred years ago, when it might have been a necessity to eat meat in the face of starvation, but that just isn't the case any longer. Then, there's the whole issue of animal over-population, and that it's morally unethical to let animals overpopulate and die of disease, and the religious aspect, that God gave us dominion over animals...blah blah...I'm really very confused. What's right? Nutritionally, the old arguments for being a meat eater don't seem to fly. Crucial minerals and vitamins are now available in pill form, and we know that eating certain foods amplifies the nutrient values of vitamins and minerals like B6-B12, magnesium, and iron.




  1. Go to

    It will help you, 100%

  2. I am vegetarian and i am anaemic because of it so i have to take iron supplements but that is definately not a reason to be put off.

    depending on what age you are you may get comments and questions about being vegetarien.. that is my only problem constantly being harrassed about it but it does give you channce to explain your beliefs...

  3. it sounds like you already know what to do.

  4. The Buddhists talk about ahimsa, which means 'non-harming.' So when we hurt fellow creatures for the pleasures of the tongue, it is a sin in my opinion.

    Now I understand it on an even more extensive level, in terms of the environment and world starvation. It takes about 5 pounds of corn or other grain in order to produce one pound of meat (or eggs). So it is a very poor utilization of land. We could garner 5 times as much grains for the world's food source if it were plant-based. So add to anti-cruelty, environmental and humanitarian concerns! Go vegan!

  5. i just do it cause it helps keep me sorta skinny :<

  6. Check out

  7. There's no moral obligation to eat meat.  Currently, the world is facing a food shortage.  This is driving up the price of meat.  So if you went meatless, you'd save money while helping the food supply.  Also, by going meatless, you won't be supporting the meat industry, which is a whole world of problems that I'm not going to go into here.  (Look it up.)  They say also that raising cattle and the like create a lot of, well, I forget what it's called, but it's a toxic gas created by large amounts of p**p.  So you'd be helping the environment.  I'd think with that and the health reasons, it'd be great to be vegetarian.  Unfortunately sometimes I crave my meat, so it's not for me.

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