I'm having a crisis of conscience. For more than a few years, I've wondered if it's morally ethical to consume meat? Especially now, when we have an over-abundance and ready-availabile food in our society. I can understand living a few hundred years ago, when it might have been a necessity to eat meat in the face of starvation, but that just isn't the case any longer. Then, there's the whole issue of animal over-population, and that it's morally unethical to let animals overpopulate and die of disease, and the religious aspect, that God gave us dominion over animals...blah blah...I'm really very confused. What's right? Nutritionally, the old arguments for being a meat eater don't seem to fly. Crucial minerals and vitamins are now available in pill form, and we know that eating certain foods amplifies the nutrient values of vitamins and minerals like B6-B12, magnesium, and iron.