
I'm cosplaying Mello (Death Note) in 2 days, and I need help?

by  |  earlier

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I have leather pants and they look okay. Where do I get shoes? And gloves? And I have a vest, but it looks like shiit. It's not "Mello-ish." Any advice?




  1. maybe a local walmart for the shoes..and the gloves might be avaliable in the mall try like hottopic^^

  2. well if u want it simple get tite black pants and maybe an tite leather tank. if doesn't work wear tite dark color pants and and black tank   AND OF COURSE THE CHOCOLATE!!! and i maybe 12 but i'm not to young to watch DeathNote!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrr!

  3. Get like 5 bars of Chocolate!! lol sorry.. I've never cosplayed so I dunno.

    Have you been to like a department store or clothes store? Maybe you can get some shoes and gloves there..

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