
I'm c**p.....?

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i feel like c**p im so depressed. here's the problem. if anyone can fix this you deserve to go straight to heaven and be crowned a saint, because this is a problem from h**l. ok, i used to love aircraft and aviation. i wanted to build an airplane and i already bought a kit cause im good with tools. it was my passion. my big agenda, ya know? but for the past couple of months, i lost that passion. i cant get it back, and it makes me deppresed. i cant get it back no matter how hard I try. i dont know what to do... has anyone else had a problem like this? please anyone help me im so depressed. im a 15 year old boy by the way, but this was my love and my purpose for living, and now, it's gone. please help so i dont go the rest of my life as an aimless depressed zombie.




  1. Sometime our interests wax and wane.  Sometimes it's like our brains just need to take a rest for a little while so they can absorb what they've been learning...and then after a few months we find our interest is born anew, even better than before.  So don't be afraid to take a little break.

    On the other hand, it sounds to me like there might be more going on than just a loss of interest in your favorite hobby.  Have you been feeling kinda anxious or stressed or depressed?  Try taking an anxiety/depression screening quiz online.  Then it might be a good idea to try talking to both a doctor and someone at your church about what you are feeling, or the stresses in your life.  People weren't designed to carry burdens on their own.

  2. do you still like airplanes at all? maybe somethign else is bothering you. u may not even realize it, but it made you sad so u stopped doing something u lovee. i kno there are times when im doing i like and then all of a sudden i stopped cuz there was something else on my mind. or maybe you just figured out that maybe u dont like aircrafts as much as u thought. i thought i loved volleyball it was so fun whenever we played it at pe a few years ago. then in that summer, i went to a camp and then i totally hated it. or maybe its just your hormones. they can make u have a lot of mood swings even tho im a girl im guessing its the same for guys. but i think that ur probably deressed about somethign else and its making u loose interest. good luck i hope u feel better.

  3. if ur still practicing it in the ways u mentioned i dont think u lost all of ur passion. it is there somewhere all u have to do is to have fun with ur doin and not really overthink things... just try not to think about it too much because in the end ull get it back if u keep doin it if this is ur true calling

    best of luck

  4. ahh i get it...well, you gotta ask yourself WHY are u so depressed?did u just stop trying with it?then get back out there and Work on it some more!did someone make a comment about it and say something negative or mean to you?then fight for it!i grew up with the biggest dreams of becoming a proffesional singer and people telling me "i bet you couldn't even sing for your life" and "u'll never make it past ur bedroom" but now at school, i have a rep for being an amazing singer.i may not be a professional one, but im working on that haha.why?cuz i TRIED and i love it...and you gotta get back out there and try on ur airplane and aviation stuff if thats ur passion!i get why ur being depressed..i get depressed really easily by the stupidest stuff, but you gotta forget about all that c**p that people make u go through or even YOU are making urself go through and get back out there and work on ur stuff!u were once in love with that kind of stuff, why can't you be in love with it now?

    *sorry if i didn't help none,i just have a lot to say on this kind of topics lol*

  5. Was someone else involved with you in this passion? I had a passion for filmmaking (i'm 16) and all of a sudden it's just slowly leaving my system and I don't really want to do it. Also, me and my friend aren't really talking (my filming buddy).

    I don't know man. You can try to get it back, don't give up on it.

  6. Well its normal to loss intersent in things at your age that will happen with alot of things you like now but you probably has such a strong passion for aircraft that u cant stand it any more give yourself time occupy it with something else and that passion will come back full force and you will build your air craft. I have the same love hate passion with drawing some days I can't get enough then for weeks on end I want nothing to do with it.

  7. There are a few things to consider:

    1) You re 15. This is a common time for depression. It's rough to get through, but it does finish at some point.

    2) You are not a static being; that is, you weren't created to stay the same as of the moment you were born. You are meant to grow and change and more. To stay focused on how you WERE and not be able to let go is part of your depression. Because you are staying so focused on the past, you can not be here in the present and be open to a new interest, a new love.

    3) I wonder if your depression didn't hit first--it's very common to lose interest in things as the result of depression.

    4) You need to have a different sense of identity, a different sense of purpose. One's ultimate purpose can be expressed in a variety of ways--aviation was one way for your purpose to be expressed, it was never your actual purpose. If it had been your true purpose, it will always be your purpose. Yet again, we are seeing that it's your thoughts about the whole thing that are causing problems.

    So here is a solution: change your thinking. If you had a sliver in your finger and it kept bugging you and festering and causing problems, you'd work to remove the sliver, right? Well, it's all your thoughts that are causing a lot of your problems: you have an incorrect thought about your sense of self; an incorrect thought about how if you don't know what your passion is now, you're doomed; an incorrect thought that you are somehow supposed to regain this passion you once had; and more. Change your thoughts and expectations, don't let yourself focus on all of this and things will improve--because you will allow your thoughts to be open to other things, perhaps other passions and more.

    If you need help in changing your thoughts, go to the library and find self-help books and/or find a counsellor.


    "but i WANNA have my love for this thing back. i dont WANT another intrest."

    And that's why you are depressed. As long as you cling to something like this, you won't be happy. You're not living in reality--you're trying to live in the past. It never works. I doubt it's the interest you really want back--it's more likely the feelings you have when you were doing it and part of you is afraid you will never be able to have those feelings elsewhere. I'm telling you--you have to change your thoughts about this. Accept that for right now, this is not as important to you as it once was. Try to just *be* and not think. Keep yourself busy with all kinds of things. Hang out with friends. Go to the library and look at all kinds of different books. Let yourself grow. Your interest may come back--or it may not. As long as you cling to this almost obsessive need to have this one and only interest, you will remain stuck.

  8. Try to associate yourself with something that gave you that passion in the first place!

    I had this great passion for playing the guitar, that passion is now on and off. What inspires me most is when i see people play guitars like total stars who are so talented... that got me there in the first place and that inspired me in the first place. Whenever i need to get that passion back, i look at what inspired me in the first place...

    I think you should do the same thing.. Look at the thing that gave you the passion.

  9. You still seem to like it. I think you've just lost your motivation. What about building an airplane excited you? Was it the history, or was it being able to create something with your hands? It seems like you really enjoy it still. But you need to get motivated. Go to an airshow, read books about airplanes, fly in a plane. Do something that sparks you to become motivated again. People who are really good and passionate about something, sometimes loose their motivation. It happens to the best of us. So don't get too down on yourself about it. Just keep a positive outlook.

    If you feel your depression is really bad see a doctor. You may need something to help you. That doesn't make you a bad person, lots of people suffer from depression. Just make sure you treat it if it is a problem.

  10. Don't worry about it.I had the same problem with skateboarding.You will go back to your passion after a week or so,trust me.Just go on with life until you feel like doing it again.

    God bless.
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