
I'm creating a newsletter for my job and wondering what kind of stuff i should put in it?

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birthday months, CJ news, Client + Vendor updates. What are some cool things i could do?




  1. Co-workers loved to be mentioned by name in newsletters.  Things of a personal nature, like if someone won an award, has a new baby in the family, or if someones bowling team did well.  Who attended what seminars and maybe interview them and write about what they thought. Little puzzles, like find the hidden item in this picture and maybe have a contest to put someones artwork in an issue, or maybe have a small section with good jokes or silly puns. Work is hard enough as it is, so make your newsletter something to look forward to.  This is a great chance to show your creativity.  Good Luck.

  2. Maybe people's opinions on certain matters, a horoscope, current events, sports, perhaps ads of things people want to sell and what not.  Also you could advertise certain services some people do.

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