
I'm curious about SCA...I'll be moving to Granite City, Il around November and it looks like gentle folk

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from the Calontir Kingdom would be much closer to me than those of the Middle Kingdom. Also is there any other groups around St Louis area that do something similar. I've already looked this up and the renaissance faire in wentzville but these groups only seem to meet 1-2 times a year locally and I won't have a bunch of "gold" to travel!




  1. Check out the main SCA website (see below). I'm sure you can find what you need there.

    Courtesy of Kingdom of the West, Barony of Fettburg. ;-)

  2. You are right, you are right next too St Louis, which is the Barony of Three Rivers (the third link below) in the SCA.  They are on the edge of Calontir and the Middle.

    The SCA is divided up into smaller local groups; Baronies are the largest and, often, the most diverse and active, of these groups.  Cantons are also larger, while most Shires are quite small.  You're lucky, in that it's good to be able to plug into a local group of substance.

    I'd be surprised if the St Louis area didn't have something going on at least once per week.

    If you persist in this group, you will meet people you hope you never encounter again, and friends that you can count on for life.  Embrace them both and you'll have a great time.

    Looking at their calendar, their Crown Tournament - one of the biggest events of the year for the whole Kingdom - is in your area Nov 1-2.  There will be lots of good fighting, and much more.

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