
I'm curious about legal issues with a new website I'm creating?

by Guest31693  |  earlier

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Hello everyone, I'm creating a new website that is going to keep people updated on almost every subject --- gaming, TV, Hollywood, movies, sports, weather, world events, and more. I was curious as to what I can use...

If I find a picture on another website, am I allowed to use it...? I'm just curious, if I were to Google an image, I could use it? Even it were a photograph.

I was also curious as to what type of things I'm allowed to say about other websites, developers, or people.

What exactly am I allowed to say?

I'm just curious as to what I could get into trouble for...

I need some basic guidelines.




  1. You cannot use any image you find on the internet, as most are protected by copyright law. Also, I'd be careful about talking about others in a negative manner...defamation of character and slander are serious charges, and if your website gets big, someone will undoubtedly try to milk you.

  2. You are best asking a lawyer than Yahoo! Answers. I will share with you my understanding but caution it may not be 100% correct. So speaking to a lawyer is your best option. Anyhow, If you are putting up a web site could potentially be held liable in any country that it is viewed. Each country has its own laws regarding use of property owned by other people. It is my understanding that if you are using a published picture, on put on the Internet, without the owner's permission you are violating their copyright and could be held liable for it. Best thing to do is contact the web owner, ask for permission, and pay any fees before using any pictures from another web site.

    In regard to saying something about another web site. The laws here is even more variable. The best advice I could give if it is not factual and you cannot verify the information then do not put on your site.

    Another issue you are going to face is protecting people's privacy and how your information that you collect will be used. Finally you will also need to draft a terms of service, reviewing it periodically, and make changes to it when needed

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