
I'm curious about meditation how can I start?

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I'm curious about meditation how can I start?




  1. read the book, "the relaxation response" by a harvard MD. thats all you need!

  2. you can start by just practicing breathing. Sit quietly in a room in any comfortable position.  Then close your eyes and breath deeply through the nose and slowly release it through your mouth.  Repeat the pattern.

    This is the basic exercise for meditation, then for further developement you can go to books or check out some classes or temples that have meditation services.

  3. You can start by reading books on the subject for sure.  Also to get a feeling for it just sit quietly for a few minutes it doesn't have to be long just enough to have a moment without thought.  Do this by just focusing your attention on your breathing.  Just breath normally and put your attention on the in and out breaths.

    This is a good way to begin.  Another word of advice is don't push yourself let it happen naturally relax into it.  It's not a contest. : )

  4. It's best to start with a guided meditation rather than doing the 'cold turkey sitting in a quiet place and clearing your mind' method. Learning to meditate and to control your thoughts will take many months, so be easy on yourself. A guided meditation CD to start will help train your mind. I like the Qi Gong type meditations, and you can find them at amazon.

  5. Hello Xavier

    Find a good but simple book. Something that focuses on the breath.

    Join us if you need any insight ~ see profile.


  6. Many good books will help you:

       Heres my way:; I look at a bright lighted oblect then close my eyes to focus on the retnia burn as it changes forms and look for reasonable figures in the fade and colors as i do this i relax each segment of my body and remove my self from the surronding world of noise and may seem like you sleep but in reality you are in alpha state I somrtimes hold something like a cup by the handle and when it falls from my fingers i wake and exersize each muscle like wiggiling ears contracting internal gut, pubes,perianal,and other normally unused muscles.

  7. for me, i started by using this great dvd called 'meditation 2 complete sessions' from the yoga zone. it was incredible and taught me techniques i still use today (about 5 years later).

  8. yoga book is best

  9. The best suggestion I can give you is to try and find a group with a qualified teacher and learn it there.

    The basics of meditation are not difficult to learn, but it is not easy to learn it just from reading a book.

    If you really want to benefit your mind, I would suggest you go to a Buddhist center; meditation is the main practice in Buddhism for 2,500 years, and of course you do not need to get involved in the religious aspects of it.

    The problem with many New Age people is that they don't even know what meditation is actually good for, and they often think that just spacing out with some music or with candles in your ears will make you a happier person.

    'Real' meditation is about increasing concentration and discovering what is going on in our own mind. With that, we can develop wisdom, and solve much confusion and stress in our lives.

    I am a Buddhist myself, so of course I'm not objective :-)

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