
I'm currently a high school senior and want to major in biology...?

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i've taken chemistry, AP bio, and biology so far. I'm currently taking AP enviormental science. I want to drop that class because my teacher does not teach for beans. Do most colleges accept 3years of science? or should i stick with my class and get 4 years even though my teacher does not teach for beans...




  1. I would only drop it if you can replace it with something else.  Otherwise, you will just be learning less.  Don't worry about your major right now.  Enjoy the rest of highschool.

  2. I would tell you to drop it. If you dont like it why would you spend a year and make your year miserable. Drop it and take another class that interests you. Universities expect to go beyond the requirements but remember that they want you to have knowledge of most areas so take something else dont complicate your year with so many science classes because once you get to college tahts all your are going to study

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