
I'm currently on Diovan & Toprol, but want to switch to natural supplements instead. Which ones would be best?

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I'd really like to get off of those prescription drugs and put healthier and natural supplements in my body. I'm just unsure as to which supplements would work in place of Diovan and Toprol. (I was put on them to lower my blood pressure.)




  1. That's a really tricky question without a doctor's okay, especially if either of those drugs have addiction or withdrawal issues. Your safest bet would be to talk to a doctor or at least a Pharmacist to check on the safest way to get off of those two.

    As far as natural ways to help with blood pressure, there are quite a few options available. Aside from diet and exercise, you could also try some natural supplements that are beneficial like Fish Oil, Hawthorn Berries, L-Arginine, C12 Peptides (from milk protein casein), Bonito Peptides, and Garlic

  2. diovan and toprol are antihypertensives, they do indeed control your blood pressure...the fact is, there are NO natural supplements that you can purchase over the counter to replace this type of medication.  There are some things you can do to improve your health however, suggest you read a book by Dr. Louis Ignarro, titled "NO More Heart Disease".  It has some excellent information on your cardiovascular system and how to best maintain it.

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