
I'm dating a female who is having my son on a couple of week and it is a boy. we r fighting over his name?

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she agreed to make him a jr. now whe is having a change of heart and douse not want him to have any part of my name and allso douse not want me present for when he is born. what can i do to make sure my son has my name if she names him with me being denied being there?




  1. It sounds like you two are not dating anymore.  I think that a name is a very personal thing.  I know you don't want to hear it, but since she has had to carry the baby for 9 months and is having to give birth(which is total pain) she has the right to atleast have the joy of picking out a name for her son.  If you want the baby to have your name maybe have your name as the baby's middle name or have a name that is similar, but not exact, like John to Sean.

  2. What can you do? Make sure you provide financial support for both mother and child. Money's what talks the loudest.

  3. Since you are dating her, and she is giving birth, I would suggest the following

    Tell her that you will respect the fact she does not want you in the room.  You will be at the hospital, check on her and be in the waiting room the rest of the time

    If you do this, she may change her mind when she is having the baby.  I

    About the name

    Compromise, you will have 18 years of doing this

    Do not got for Jr

    I would suggest give the child your first or middle name

    My husband middle name goes back to his great grandfather

    Many Fathers use the boys middle with one of there name

    Good luck

  4. I am guessing that she is feeling insecure because you are just "the boyfriend", not the husband.  That must be very scary for her to not have that security - especially when her pregnancy hormones are going crazy.

    If you are not married, you should understand why she does not want her son to be a "JR".  She might be wondering what would happen if you broke up.

    Be sensitive.  I know it must be upsetting that she is changing her mind like this... but let her pick a name.  If that is what she needs to feel secure and at ease... let her choose the name.

    Things will get better once the baby is born.  Whatever his name is, you will love him just as much.  I promise.  :)

  5. You honestly don't have a whole lot of say in what she chooses to name the baby. She really doesn't even have to list you on the birth certificate, even, let alone allow you to be present.

    Maybe you should figure out what you did to make her so angry. You should also get used to not saying "my son" - since it doesn't sound like she is going to play that little game with you.

  6. Your son is going to be a boy? Wow, you must be proud. Since you aren't married to her, you really don't get much say in what she names the kid. If I was knocked up and only dating the baby daddy, I don't think I'd want to give the baby his name either. Why haven't you married her yet?

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