
I'm dating sister-inlaws brother. My brother doesn't agree. anyone have links to print to show him its ok?

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Him and I have been best friends since we were very little.The rest of our family is ok with it I would just like to at least try to change my brothers mind a little bit since its not illegal.




  1. He's being irrational, so you probably can't change his mind using sensible facts. If he goes on at you, tell him you're aware of his opinion. Then ignore him.

  2. My mom and dad together 43 years my moms brother  which is my dads brother-in-law met my dads sister which is my moms sister-in-law thay met 40 years ago and are still happily married:)

  3. ans wat will u get proving this point to him??? and wat even makes him think its illegal

  4. It’s not illegal, but just because something’s not illegal doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.  And this is a very bad idea.  If the two of you break up (and chances are you will), it would very well cause problems within the family (ie people gossiping over it, taking sides, etc). That could put your brother in a very bad position.  It could even cause problems in his marriage.  There are billions of people in the world.  I'm sure you can find someone to date who is not related by marriage.

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