
I'm dead shy, perceived as stuck-up, how do I beat that? ?

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My friend Austin recently told me that he was talking to some people who thought I was stuck-up.

I don't think I am at all, but it really terrifies me when someone I don't know that well say hi to me. Most of the time, it's in a mocking and degrading way, but maybe they don't mean to be like that.

I've tried to say things like, "Oh, hi!" and be bright and sunny, but I always get scared and end up stuttering something unintelligible.

When I walk down the hall, people avoid meeting my eyes, and roll their eyes and sigh when they're assigned to sit next to me in class or partner with me in gym.

I do have friends, but none of them are in classes of mine. I'm not sure what to do when I'm not with my friends, because I get so freaked out by other people in my school. Those people steal confidence...the boys are the worst. I used to wear skirts and shorts and tank tops in the summer and all, but now I can't because I'm too fat for them and I like to avoid being made fun of as much as possible.

So, how do I make myself seem less stuck-up to people and get them to stop poking fun at me?




  1. Just go for it, sweetie. It's not going to get you anywhere, if you don't try. Your not too fat, and I know that for a fact even if I have never seen you. If people say hi, say hi back, or just smile.  

  2. OK, this is my advice:


    what? ur freaked out? by what? their opinions of you, what they think about u? girl, u need to NOT be freaked out! think about it, if u'r a really nice, friendly, funny person who sticks up for other people and whos' really kind, u dont need to be freaked out!


    u need to be confident! go and look urself in the mirror, stare at urself dead straight in the eye and say that ur a confident girl, u can face any challenges which u face, u can go through it all! If u can be a confident person, it dont matter what others think of you, they'll all want to be u cause ur confident and wont let anyone's opinions get to ur head! u wont be intimidated anymore and DONT U DARE LET ANYONE STEAL UR CONFIDENCE! if the boys are giving u a hard time, talk back! if ur having problems with courage, tell ur friends to be close to u when u confront these bullies. For example , u want to tell someone off for being mean, tell ur friends to hide behind a wall and know that they're there, and CONFRONT THOSE BULLIES LIKE U NEVER DID BEFORE! YOU CAN DO IT!


    Whats ur personality? Are u nice to people? are u friendly with everyone? do u sometimes bully others? Know who u are and set ur boundaries, remember, only YOU can control who YOU are and no one else. So, be the friendly, courageous, confident, fun person u know u want to be and everyone will see that too.

    Remember, if ur confident, u need to know who u are and need to be FEARLESS! dare to confront the people who are bullies! stick up for the small people and never give up!  

  3. This will require you to make a serious effort to open up to people. I was shy and quiet in school myself. However, I didn't really have a problem talking to people but if I think someone to not be my "cup of tea" I would try to avoid them. Even as an adult, I am still really quiet and don't say much. Just try to talk more and be friendlier. Open up. Some people always perceive being quiet or shy as stuck up. I'll never know why.

  4. Just do your thing and be who you are, never mind what others think. Most people who fit in are sheep, just doing it to please others. Please yourself.

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