
I'm depressed and my house is a mess. I need some inspiration.?

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My husband and I just moved to a new apartment that I love so much. It's awesome. I also just quit my job to stay at home. I was and still am really excited about staying at home. However we've been here about three weeks and the place is still pretty messy. Right now I have a headache, my back hurts and my wrist hurts. That may be why I feel like c**p right now. Anyway I need to get organised and start cleaning and just get overall motivated. What should I do? Thanks.




  1. Start your day with a brisk twenty minute walk. This will energize you. Then make a goal to tackle one thing each morning and one thing each afternoon.

  2. First thing you need to do is get your depression under control. Go see your doctor asap.=)

  3. cheerup, you have a new place!!! i have the exact same feeling, only in the same apartment for 5 years now!!!

  4. Any time you go through change, good or bad, it causes stress.  A move and quitting your job are pretty big changes.

    Maybe it's OK just to sit with a notebook and plan for a while.  Allow yourself time to acclimate.  

    I would start by getting one spot just so.  Say putting a vase of fresh flowers on the coffee table - anything that will give your eyes a pretty place to rest instead of staring at boxes and piles of stuff yet to be put away.

    Just remember, "a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion." -  (Newton's 1st Law of Motion). So try to find a balance.  Don't wear yourself out, but don't allow the downtime to keep sucking you in either.

    Also check out these sites: and  For fun and a little general motivation. for help setting up a cleaning routine in your own place. for fresh decorating ideas.

    I hope some of these help.  Congratulations on the new place. I wish you luck in the new chapter of your life.  

    - Laurel Plum

  5. put on some good music and if you drink fix you a glass and think about how nice its going to look when you are done!!!

  6. hire a cleaning person for either a one time deep clean or everyother week so you wont have to worry about it :)~

  7. go out and get some ice cream

  8. Yes you need to get organized, the trouble with house work is it never stops! Plan out your chores and do them in small steps but keep plugging away, then reward yourself for a job well done

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