
I'm depressed for No Reason?!

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Ok so today I just woke up and didn't feel like doing anything. Lately, I've been in a real sour mood, just not feeling like doing anything, lost all motivation. I just have not been myself. I have not been feeling well and I feel like staying inside on a nice day. I have had a thought or two of hurting myself (only to cause like a broken leg or get stiches, not kill myself). My sleeping patterns have been off and I have been eating food that is really bad for you, nothing really that healthy. I'm always just kinda annoyed. I don't know why this is happening. I just wake up and am in a really bad mood. I think I'm depressed. What can I do?

And tonight, I am drinking liquor. I am only 15 and the legal age is 21. I am not supposed to drink but I am doing it anyway. I also found some cigarettes in the house. I smoked about 2 of them today. I just have not been my self the last few weeks. I have not really felt good. Whats wrong with me?




  1. Something is wrong with you.  You wont feel depressed for no reason.  You just cant tell or feel it which is which.  Be honest to yourself.  You are not inspired?  Does any one annoyed you?  Anyway, whatever just stay calm and make yourself busy.  Go out and find friends and if you don't feel talking then just go to a mall,  seat down and look at the different movements and gestures of people.  Look at them and tell yourself If I am that person am I be happy. lol it's my way of taking out my depression and i just laugh.

  2. Yeah, that sounds like depression. It's kind of normal for teenagers to be moody like that, though. Talk to your parents about getting therapy.

    You could also start trying to get to bed earlier, eating healthy, and exercising. Those three things will make you feel MUCH better.

    Just be careful with the drinking - you could get into trouble that way. And smoking is bad for you. What are you going to do if you get addicted to it while you're in high school? You can't exactly just step out and have a smoke real fast before class starts. It's just going to be nerve wracking and expensive. Plus if you get caught, your parents will be pretty ticked off.  

  3. Your body is probably doing too much reuptake so neurons aren't sending neurotransmitters to each other. Reuptake is when a neuron releases neurotransmitters and take them back in. It's good but when it happens too often impulses aren't transfered. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters used for the feeling of happiness if a neuron releases it and it doesn't get to the next neuron you can't feel happiness. You should definitely talk to your doctor and try to get some antidepressants. Do not take any unprescribed or illegal drugs this will kill more of the receptors that take up serotonin.

  4. First off, put down the drugs and don't drink the liquor.

    I went through a period exactly like that when I was 13, and almost the exact same thing - seemingly NO reason and NO motivation.

    Here's the thing -

    In your brain there is a substance, a very small substance, called "grey matter". This matter wraps around your synapses, which is part of a neuron. In essence, brain cells. The reason that you are feeling like this is because your brain is clearing out this grey matter that is wrapped around your brain cells and the connections (synapses).

    Studies have shown that when the brain is clearing this grey matter out, the teenager is highly likely to become depressed, unmotivated, and usually tired or frustrated.

    It is a completely normal process that almost nobody knows about. It will take about a month, usually 3 months max, to clear out the grey matter.

    After it has been cleared, you will be able to think clearly, with an increase in reasoning and logic. You will also become more analytical.  

  5. Probably anxiety of starting school again, first you need to put down the alcohol just poor it out is best, then go get a large bowl of cereal find a funny movie on tv and try to enjoy yourself a bit before you go to bed soon

    when you go to bed do that nude you will rest better.

  6. welcome to teen angst

    im 17 youll go through a lot more

    just stay away from smoking and try to keep the drinking to a minimum, it makes you do stupid things and you wont even remember how fun they were in the morning

  7. you are really cool.

    " im in a bad mood so lets break the law and s***w up our health! HOORAYY!"

    be proud of yourself you are just SO mature.

  8. life throws us all curveballs sometimes and they could be for no reason at all. i'm currently feeling the way you are, but i don't let myself think about it. i have anxiety too so you're not alone.

    if you can, don't drink and don't smoke. drinking just impairs your brain and you won't be able to make good decisions. smoking can lead to addiction, which can take a while to break the habit. if you want, make a list of the things you may think is causing you to get depressed. you just never know once you start writing. after that, just calm yourself down and tell yourself that everything will be better. take hot bubble baths to calm yourself down, listen to techno or trance music if you like; (the beats help you feel more relaxed and get you upbeat and moving). also, if you're currently on any medication to treat your anxiety or depression, i suggest to come off of them. medicine doesn't help at all. it just makes you feel worse and can make you suicidal, which you don't want.

    you can call 240 777 4000. this is a 24 hour hotline crisis center #. they are confidential and can further help you in getting better.

  9. Maybe your going through a depression phase? Has anything been bothering you? If you don't know, maybe you should see a doctor. But don't smoke cigarettes, no matter how it may seem to "distress" you, it's worse for your body.

    Hope for the best, feel better!

  10. u sound like me.  people used to tell me i was bipolar.  im 19 and would see a doctor if i could afford it;...

  11. u need help. like a mentor or a psychiatrist!

  12. Sounds like you need a good kick in the ***.

    Where are your parents?!

  13. Boys Town National Hot Line - 1-800-448-3000

    TTY 1-800-448-1833

    The Boys Town National Hotline is a 24-hour crisis, resource and referral line. Trained counselors can respond to your questions every day of the week, 365 days a year. They can help teens with suicide prevention, depression, chemical dependency, anger and much more.


    Please look into this - I myself have depression and know how bad it can get - my doctor at one point of time wanted to hospitalize me. Be careful and be aware that you don't only hurt yourself but the people around you (family, friends) when you make this choices. (i know these choices are really inviting right now, but still, try to be strong, they aren't worth it in the long run.)

  14. same thing similar goin on with me, excet no drinking or smoking, I hope you get help!

  15. you need to change yoru life aruond,

    theres patterns in your life that are

    satisfying you, and making you depressed.

    you are obviosly NOT happy.

    talk to someone mitch,

    its not bad to get help.

  16. um sounds like you are depressed and believe me booze and cigs are not the answer - they just dull the pain and then it's even worse when you come down...I am not sure where you live but maybe you should ask your doctor about don't have to take them forever maybe just until you figure out what is bugging you...i got like that too when i was in high-school...i couldn't figure out that I just had to accept who i was and love myself because no one else is going to do it better than myself....antidepressants do work and you are not too young...depression is a serious also helps to read self help books or literature....or call Dr. Phil lol  

  17. Well, you are not feeling this way for no reason, it's just not an obvious one.  

    In the midst of all the craziness that hits you as a teenager, there is a good possibility that you have some clinical depression.   You can't fix this with alcohol, drugs, food, or tobacco.   It's called self-medicating and it doesn't work.

    You need to see a doctor.  It's entirely possible that this is a one-time episode.  You may need medication for a little while to help break the cycle.  If it's not a one-time episode, then it's even more important that you see a doctor and get treatment as soon as possible.  

    You sound pretty sharp.  You have not only identified that something is not right, you also have examined your circumstances and symptoms and know that they are not related to situations around you.  That's pretty impressive, especially in the midst of depression.  

    Good luck.  Keep us posted.


    It sounds like you are in a crisis.  This is depression, and it's not a sin, it's an illness.  I have it.  And I'm Catholic.  

    Yes, there are hot lines.  Call information and ask for the number of the Suicide Prevention Hotline.  Then call it.

    It's not whether or not your parents are Catholic that may be the problem.  People who haven't had depression have a hard time understanding that sometimes there is no reason for it except brain chemistry.  

    PUT DOWN THE ALCOHOL.   Alcohol is a depressant and will make you worse, not better.  You also should know that depression makes you more susceptible to addiction, to anything and everything.

    You need help, kiddo, and right now.  And you deserve to get it.  Sooner or later your folks will find out.  Don't let that stop you from getting treatment.  It's no different than a broken leg.  Something's not working and it needs to be fixed.

    So make the call.

  18. Sounds like you're definitely depressed. This is something that needs addressed by a professional. You might get in touch with your family doctor and talk about your diagnosis. This person will be able to put you on medication or refer you to counseling to help you get back on track. Don't wait until you do something silly to yourself. Take care of this issue right away.

  19. Your 15.  Welcome to puberty.

  20. i feel bad sometimes. try talking to someone, a friend on the phone before you go to bed. it helps me

  21. I don't know why you would be sad, but go for a quick walk in the cool air. That always helps me.

  22. ok i went through the same thing, first off you gotta stop with the smoking and drinking it just ruins you even more, second you need to get out and be with your friends, do it as much as you can, and finally you have to tell someone whether its a family member, a friend a doctor, god(if u believe in him) it doesnt matter. also you dont have to do this but it helps, you can try to express your feelings in art, poetry, music, sports, anything that will be an outlet for your depression and anger to leave

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