
I'm depressed what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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i know people always say you should be happy with your life if you have a home, friends and family , but the thing is i'm not... i have parents that care for me and i know it but im not happy and i don't know why i know for a fact i'm depressed liek who should i talk to , i don't wanna do anything stupid i mean i really do need help... i can't explain every little problem cause it would take to long... but i just want someoen who loves me liek a guy... i know guys do, but i want what i can't have, and my best friend is backing away from me , we don't talk as much , i need her there for me, and shes not there... i never wanna go out or party just sit home alone why is that why cant i just be happy?




  1. iight shwty i got u go get high!!!! wait !! only weed have morals only weed!! trust i had a simular prolem and go get a nice due dat likes himself some weed too namean only weed dont over do it please start slow thank me later wen it all turns out goodmoney

  2. Depression is a medical condition the same way Asthma, Diabetes are etc..  You need to seek professional help it won't just go away.

    Here's important numbers if you ever need them.

  3. listen to music! that allways helps! well you know what, no one is stopping you from being a guy! stop thinking about what people say and go live your life to the fullest. we're all gonna die one day right, well i believe you should eat and go crazy as much as possible. DO EVERYTHING you can as long as its not some crime or something and make sure youre having fun! but to do that all you have to do is to stop caring what others think of you. once you're over that, trustt me life gets a looooooooooooot better! and if shes not there for you, she may not be a true friend. it could be that shes just going through a phase right now, she could be confused about whats going on, and shes probably one of those people that cares what others think of her. so just try to relax and have fun, try talking to your friend and give her some time. good luck :)

  4. try to exercise an hour or two a day or join a team or something that will make you feel better and take your mind away from frustrating things and will open you up to more social things and get you out of the house..

  5. When we are not happy with someone or something, what should we do?  Life experience has taught us what we should do; that is to clearly identify, understand, and inquest the following three questions:

    1. Who are we?

    2.  Who or what is someone or something that     we are unhappy with?

    3. What is the real face or nature of that someone or something that made or has made us unhappy?

  6. I'm depressed too...

    what you do is you get a plan

    example-tomorrow i plan on getting up working out going to the mall doing stuff w/ the family

    keep yourself busy. keep your window shades up let in as much light as possible if your in a dark room it makes you feel worse... seriously ... and don't drink do drugs or sleep a lot if you sleep too much then you'll get worse alcohol and drugs are 'depressants' and that means it makes you depressed if you didn't already no they make you feel good at first but then you get a lot worse after-wards

    eating healthy and exercising helps too, no joke all this stuff is true not just methods i use, its stuff that doctors come up with if your body feels good you will feel good so don't eat junk all the time

    hang out with people and make an effort to be social and don't uninclude yourself

    and when it comes to guys... think to yourself 'you don't NEED one'

    and i'm not just saying that i was single for about three or for years and i was miserable cause everyone else had one and i felt unloved but you no what...there's always someone who does. not just friends and family .... someone who has a thing for you =]

    always think.....things could be worse......

    i could be 300lbs over weight

    i could look like oprah w/ no makeup (AH)

    i could be homeless/family-less

    things could always be worse

    if you want to talk and not exchange names we could

    i could be like a pin pal that you never see

    just talk to

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