
I'm desperate for a baby please help?

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hi everybody, I have been with my fiance for almost two years and having s*x for a year and some months. Everywhere I go I see women with bulging tummys glowing because they are pregnant and I wish it could be me soon. I never wanted to get pregnant before but my fiance is the one who brought up the topic that he's ready and I know I am too. The problem is , my periods are different lenghts , one month it could be thirty days and another its longer. My last was the12 of June which makes it 38 days since I had my last. I'm also worried because I caught chlamydia from an ex after he went on holiday and slept with some people. I haven't told my fiance that because I don't want him looking at me different , I am a nice person. I was treated for the chlamydia and had a test done and it was cleared . Also what is bacterial vaginosis? Its also known as bv? And does it affect my chances of ever getting pregnant I am really worried sick to my stomach and can't sleep with thinking of it .




  1. I had that problem too~ my cycles were wacked! I went on BC pills to regualate them for like 4 months, within 2 months of being off them~ I was pregnant. I would try that first (it's defiantely a more inexpensive route) also with my second one, tried to conceive for 4 years (I'm due in September) me & hubby both took the fertility blend vitamins from GNC~ I only took 1 round (a month) & I was preggo. Good Luck!

  2. Talk to your doctor. A good website to check out is It'll help you track your periods and get you on a schedule. Try not to stress about it because it makes it alot harder to conceive! Good luck!

  3. I don't know about your other problems, but the cycle irregularity sounds like a symptom of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This certainly can have a negative effect on your chances. I've been trying 5 years with no luck, and the doctors are quickly running out of options.

    Look up PCOS, find the symptoms list and see what else you notice about yourself that matches. Hopefully none. It's terrible to know you have all these problems and can't do a thing to change them.

    And get married before having kids!

  4. Ok, first off, bv is just basically a bacteria infection in your v****a. You can sometimes get it from wiping yourself the wrong way (you know, back to front) or when you're having s*x things can get in there and cause you to have a bv. You should go pee right after s*x.  And as far as getting pregnant, if your last period was on the 12 of June you're changes of getting pregnant would have been from the 21 of June until around the 27 of June. Always count exactly two weeks from the first day of your last period and factor in 3 days before and 3 days after to calcutate your ovulation time. The link below has a pregnancy calculator.  

    P.S. and no, not the bv or the chlamydia will affect your changes of getting pregnant since it was only once (i'm assuming)

  5. Bacterial Vaginosis will not prevent you from becoming pregnant just make sure you're under doctors care when you do become pregnant.  A women almost always ovulates 14 days BEFORE  the LAST day of her period.  Even with your sporadic cycle you can predict when you ovulate.  Hopefully you've been keeping track of your cycles if not start and make sure you can recognize the last day you bleed, don't need to use a tampon or pad, maybe just a liner.  The day before, day of, and following day are the important red zone days. Good luck!

  6. i had severe scarring from hemmoraging and was told i would probably never concieve even one child and so i just never took birth control and ended up preggo 3 mo later and it took just one night to get preggo the second time so just try it out as long as you no longer have any female issues if you rn into any problems then talk to your dr

  7. You really should be open enough to tell this guy you had chlamydia, if you're "ready" to have his children. Those are all kinda things that you should have already discussed. Wouldn't you want to know if someone gave him an std before he was with you? You should see your doc and find out why your cycles are irregular...and I don't know anything about the bacterial vaginosis. just google it. Good luck!

  8. If you were checked for chlamydia and it was neg. then it wont have anything to do with getting preg now. So dont worry about that.

  9. BV is a really common bacterial infection, which is easily treated with antibiotics. i dont think it has any effect on conceiving, or i hope not, cos my hubby and i are trying too, and i had it a few yrs ago! My doc never said it would effect my chances in the future.

    Good luck, try not to stress about it, baby dust to you and me!!

  10. Sorry to hear that, but there is hope. My friend had chlamydia almost 3 times from her last boyfriend! I don't know why she kept going back to him. But when she finally broke it off with him and met someone else, she got pregnant right away! So it didn't affect her. She now has a 1 1/2 year old son. If you are really worried, then you should see a specialist and see if you have any blockage or scar tissue. But it may not be you! It may be him. He may have a low sperm count. So he should get that checked out as well.

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