
I'm desperatly looking for sponsorship ideas for my sunday premier league team Any ideas???

by  |  earlier

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We are a successful and established premier league side who has won silverware every year since formed in 1999. We are 2007/08 Lichfield Charity cup winners and finished 4th in our own premier league last season. We were runners up in our own premier league cup competition and we have entered the Carlsberg Sunday FA Cup competition for the second year running




  1. As the captain of my Sunday League team we have always asked companies who are local to our club but may not be everyone's first pick as a sponser.

    We asked: -

    Local Undertakers

    Local Kebab Shop

    Local Tattoo Artist

    Local Bar (NOT PUB, they usually sponser there own team)

    We eventually got sponsership off the local Credit People (The people who lend you cash)

    If you are just after sponsership ideas, here are a few of ours: -

    Topless Carwash

    Sponsered Golf Day

    We drawed straws and the 5 x losers had their backs, sacks and cracks waxed!! It was £20 to enter and their was a massive pub crawl afterwards.

    Just be creative and you'll be racking in the cash.

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