
I'm dining out with friends & want to pay the check with my debit card. They insist on giving me cash or...

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leaving the tip. What should I do?




  1. What is the harm in letting them leave a tip...

  2. You've got great friends!!!

    If they feel so inclined... leaving a cash tip on the table shouldn't be a huge deal.

    Or you could let them know that you already took care of the bill (+ tip) on your card and next time they can treat... or they can buy coffee, drinks, dessert, etc. later that night

  3. let them whats the harm.

  4. I'm not completely sure what the dilemma is here, unless when you say you want to pay with your debit card you're actually saying you want to treat them.  If that is the case, I would say let them get the tip.  My boyfriend and I did that, because I didnt want him to pay for everything but he wouldn't go Dutch with me.

    If it is simply that you want to put the bill on your debit card, my friend and I do that.  It actually ends up saving her a trip to the bank because she gets cash.  

    Hope it helps!

  5. Let them pay the tip in cash(servers prefer this), and maybe a round of after dinner drinks.

  6. If you really want to pay it you could suggest that they just pay the tip.

  7. Well do you want to just pay your portion or do you want o pay for the check. You could ask the waiter to split the chek if you just want ot pay for yours. If your in a hurry and want to just pay for yours then let people giv eyou money. If you want to pay for dinner then offer but if someone insist on throwing you some money or leaving a tip let them.   I commonly offer to leave the tip if someone pays I feel its polite

  8. tell them no, when they again insist, offer to let them leave the tip. It is really no big deal, they want to help with the bill and you want to give to your friends. You are both trying to do the same thing so just let them do something then they feel like they helped and you feel like you covered the meal..

    Happens to me all the time, also a word of advice do not always get the check, when you do this people become reliant and will not even offer.

  9. It depends if the dinner is your treat or you and your friends are splitting the bill. If its on you than don't let them chip in. But, if you are eating somewhere nice, I think it would be ok to let them pay for the tip.

  10. Let them leave the tip.

  11. the question is this are you paying because you want to and can afford too? or do you feel like you should pay? if you feel that you should pay then accept the cash. that way when you can deposit back into your account or better yet save the money and when it is their turn to pay remit the money.

    However, if you can afford to pay for everyone then tell then that the check is on you. if they insist explain to them that if they do not allow you to pay once and a while, then it is possible that down the line you won't want to pay. Just give them something to think about. Have a nice meal.

  12. let them leave a tip... thats fare.... and its fine

  13. Fairly typical for people being treated to want to leave the tip.  Let them do that.

  14. I would tell them you will pay it's your treat if they insist then let them leave the tip.

  15. Take the cash.

  16. Start taking cash with you.

  17. Just oblige them and allow them to leaving the tip .

  18. While being seated make prior arrangement with hostess or waiter.

  19. Allow your guests to leave a tip.

  20. jus tell them its ok and ur gonna pay urself

  21. Well you can either pay for yourself separate or if you have enough money in your account to cover the whole cost pay the lot and take the money off your friends and if they want to leave a tip let them do that or decide on the amount the tip is each chip in and leave it in cash.

    Make sure you have some cash on you would be a good idea also.

  22. Take the cash..unless its your treat tonight..then let them leave the tip in cash..nice friends~gl

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