
I'm disabled is there a discounts for travelers from other countries visiting England?

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Just wondering if I can get the same discounts as British citizens being as I am disabled but from the united states?




  1. Airlines do not give discounts to anyone anymore, not even soldiers.   If you take up a seat, you pay full price.  

  2. I'm not sure what discounts you are talking about really. If you mean going into attractions, etc, then it will depend on the individual rules of the place, some give discounts for disabled people and some don't. However, if there is a discount available, they cannot refuse to give it to you because you are American - if it applies to a UK citizen it applies to all nationalities, or else it would be classed as discrimination!

    My Mum has to go most places in a wheelchair and she doesn't usually get discounts, but my Dad often gets in for free as her carer. However, most places don't advertise this, so make sure you ask (even if the person you're with isn't actually your carer it's worth a shot!).

    Hope that's what you were after and that you enjoy your time in the UK!

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