
I'm doing a bit of research..for myself...

by  |  earlier

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and am wondering, with the over population of the prison system what should we do with the criminals? Should we just kill them all or should we try and rehabilitate them? Also do you think there should be deterrents for them like early intervention, more things for kids to do so they don't turn to a life of crime? Also with your answer just wondering what your Political party...this is not for me to start anything I just was wondering this for my own info...thanks




  1. What I think is we should get rid of the hard core one -- when the job comes up to put a bullet in there heads I'LL be the first to apply.  To much of my hard earned dollar is going to house and feed and medical care for these who are the worse of the worse.

        So I say KILL THE SOB

  2. I think we should send them all to a new prison facility we should build along the Rio Grande river.

    But, we can only afford to build walls for the northern side of the prison.

    Party affiliation: mostly vote Republican but would desperately like to see reform and an end to the two major political parties.

  3. You want to know the best deterrent to kids getting into a life of crime?

    THEIR PARENTS!  Get rid of this PC c**p about not being able to discipline your kids.  A couple good swats on the behind early in life go a long way towards making kids understand there are rules, and bad things happen when you break them.

    Amazingly, parents taking an interest in their children will also solve a lot of our other problems.. like education, drug use and teen pregnancy.

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