
I'm doing a paper on adoption I'm looking for some info that will tell me how many couples waiting to adopt

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I'm doing a paper on adoption I'm looking for some info that will tell me how many couples waiting to adopt




  1. Are you already working with someone?

    Don't expect that any agency will be honest about howmany couples are waiting and haw many babies they actually place. The mothers are shown only a couple of letters from the bunch. Each mother had her own reasons for why they chose their couple. So, you never know when you will be matched. The placement fees are usually income based, so don't be suprised if the people with the highest income are the letters being shown the most.

    Most agencies will let unlimited couples take the classes in hopes of a child. Our agency had over 100 couples waiting and placed 10 babies. Also they offered the intro to adoption claeese every 2 months and each class had about 13 couples. The class costs $1,500 and needed to be completed before the consideration part. There was a woman with a termilal illness who was allowed to take the class eventhough she would be denied based on her health.

    Good luck with you venture :-)

  2. You're asking strangers to do research for you? How will your footnotes read?

  3. Boy that's really an impossible question to answer. My best advice is to look in the yellow pages and contact some agencies and ask them how many couples are on their waiting list..  You could ask CPS the same questions. And you could look in the classifieds and see if any one is advertising for a adoption.  Don't think you will really get a good answer to that question here

  4. Wow there are tons of us out there.. Parentprofiles has like 325 and there are tons of adoptions agencies out there that have 700 or 800 on the list waiting to be picked.. I think that you would never really find the answer to that question no matter how hard you tried so you might just want to try to take a guess at it but guess high because there are tons of us... Sorry couldn't be more help..

  5. To give a "number" on waiting parents may be impossible, however, I can tell you that there were over 100,000 domestic placements last year in the USA.  That does not include the number of parents waiting to adopt internationally.  The odds are about 3 to 1.  So for every 1 child born, there are 3 couples waiting in the US. These are statistics from Adoptive Families Magazine, they may vary, also, they may or may not include Foster placements in the US.

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