
I'm doing a project on Inclusion in the Classroom and need help please!!?

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I can't find a law or anything of the sort other than people opinion on the matter. I need some solid information to go off of. I understand what it is but how much power does the parent hold? What if the parents object to there child being in inclusion?

I would really appreciate the help please.




  1. Well, the special education parent is a member of the IEP team so he or she would voice his or her concerns during the IEP meeting that places the child into an inclusion setting.  However,  the school could override the parents decision.  In that case, the parent would complete the mediation form at the back of his Parents Rights Handbook.  Within ten days the parents, school and mediation teams would meet.  A decision would be made.  The parents could appeal to the state (if available) if they still are not satisfied.  If not, that is when a lawsuit takes place.  

    If you are talking about a regular education child being placed into an inclusion classroom, that is a little more dicey.  Most principals will honor the parents request to keep the peace.  However, there is no law protecting them from such.  I look for some advocacy groups to come forward.  Inclusion of a special education is not always the best option for the other kids in the classroom.  A teacher is side tracked often by providing all the accommodations from a demanding chid and, unfortunately, there are not always enough special education teacher and assistants assigned to ensure regular education students get what they need, too.

  2. I'm not too sure what your question is when you refer to inclusion.Are you referring to special education children being in mainstream classes?I could be better help if more detailed.Because there are laws like read this

    Then there are IEP"s Individualized Education Plans

    which gives parents rights in there children's educations also two more things to help you is

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    and to get you alot of information if it is special education rights and laws you are questioning this should also help

    Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy

    If you need any information or you could give me more of what you was looking for i could be more supportive ...Cess

    I don't think i have enough room here to go into details but YES parents do have rights to object to there children being in inclusion classes.This is why there is an IEP in majority of cases.I actually myself have in the past objected to this sort of thing first hand.If you have specific question plz email me.

  3. The law is taht each student has a right to

    a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environement

    look up the IDEA law

  4. Ask a special education teacher at your school for a copy of the rights of parents of students in special education - the rights are supposed to be given to parents at every meeting held to discuss their child's education.  The special education teacher can also explain to you the rights of the parents and students.  If you are up for a big read, google IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and read the entire document that governs special education.  Wright's Law does a good job online of explaining the specifics of IDEA.

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