My town/village name is: Futoria Century Metropolis.
The name of the people that live there are: Astromedans.
-I need 10 laws.
-I need the people's moral values.
-I need 3 holidays with the name, date, and description.
-I need the role of the people. (Such as what elders do, if children go to work or school, what type of jobs futuristic people have.)
-I need a description on how people live. (As in what kind of houses they live in or if they even have houses at all, where and when do they get their food, or do they even eat, do they have families and what kind, what does the setting of the world look like...)
Please keep in mind that this is strictly futuristic. Think of the time period as somewhere between 2024-2080 or whatever time period you picture the most futuristic. Please, I need whatever help I can get. This project is due tomorrow and I have no clue what I am doing.
I thank you so much for all of the help that you can offer.