
I'm doing my 9th grade reading project on breaking dawn help plz!?

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I'm doing my project on breaking dawn by stephanie meyers

plz don't tell me I should do it on something else cuz I posted this earlier and that what everyone told me

I don't have time for that I want to do it on breaking dawn!

this is what I need to do

I have to put it on a poster board with

why I chose it

My reading was about

something new I learned from my reading

I'm having trouble with the something new I learned

cuz I don't think I really learned anything

I have to have 3 sentences on it but I don't know what to put!

help me plz!

or should I just s***w it and do it on eclipse or new moon

I want to do it on a twilight book!




  1. Before you make something dumb up make sure no one else has read that book!

  2. SPOILER ALERT for people who haven't read it.

    You could put that it is not necessary to resort to violence to solve a problem, like shown at the end of the book when the volturi leave without a battle.

    You could also put that once you put your mind to something as long as you are prepared enough, you can do anything, like Bella did how she almost completely skipped the Newborn phase.

    Hope this helped!

  3. Put down something that other people may not know. Like, if you really didn't learn anything, what would other people learn? Write that down.  

  4. Well, there is the stand against the Volturi. (for what is right)

    Edward's and Bella's love for each other. (how they would die for each other)

    Bella's love for her new family. (how she would die for one of them)

    Re-read the book and see if you see anymore ideas. :)

  5. ok well there is lots of love and care in the book like how edward would die for bella and vice versa. write something about how you learned that love is unbreakable because there is a lot of love goin around in that series

  6. well, you can say you learned not to get pregnant with a vampire.

    that should go down well in class.I'm not sure what else you can say except about true love, consequences of love and compromises people make for their loved ones. you could also slip in something like how enemies can actually work things through together and become friends . . . . . . hope i helped!! x x x good luck

  7. I would be able to answer this if I read the book! I plan on reading it soon but it'll be too late to help you with your project. Good luck!

  8. Think of it as a moral, "Always think before you act."

  9. um...that is tricky. by something new do you mean like facts and knowledge, or new in the series? it's pretty obvious what is new in the series so you learned something about bella's new cars, the before and after, unless they are fictional; i'm clueless on cars.

    hope you find what you need!

    and bri(: 's suggestion is good too.

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