
I'm doing research on racial origins.?

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1.) Where did white people originate from?

I'm not talking about Europe, I'm talking about evolution.





  1. You need to remember this is all theory, two hundred years ago the popular theories centred around creationist theory.

    Darwin and others opened the debates to evolutionist theory, nothing is yet proved.

    As a suggestion, digest these pages and make your own conclusions.

    If your teacher is any good and you argue your point well, you may produce a good paper on this topic.

  2. All people were to have originated in Afrika. Different environmental affects were to have later developed skin color. I have no clue about skeletal or cranial formations.

  3. Well since evolution is just simply someone's theory and really doesn't hold water or anything else for that matter then I would have to say from all evidence that white, and all the other colors came from the hand of God.

  4. all humans originate from Africa, however, what makes us all different is when we spread out over the globe. as humans spread out to different areas, the different climates and foods had an affect on our development. scientists believe that the group that stayed in sub-Saharan Africa had less brain growth due to their poor diets.

    so, whites originated in Africa like everyone else, but as they migrated to Europe and Russia, their skin colour changed due to their environment (along with many other changes dictated by diet, and other factors)

  5. i may not remember clearl my primary class cause i was to busy smelling glue but i remember something as we ALL came from australia and the white man settled in the caucasus (around the border with turke and som old USSR country) and migrated to all europe

  6. First, came the bushmen of africa.  Next, came various african peoples who are all roughly the same age.

    Next after that, came east asians and semites, and east asians, branched off into two groups; the east asians of Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, etc, and the others, the native americans who inhabited the americas.

    From the semitic people came the Iranians, and later the Indians.  Or rather, I should say "haplogroup J," which is the ancestor genetic haplogroup (DNA family) of semites, Iranians, and Indians.  From that genetic print, mutated the first "true" white people, namely, the slavs.

    The slavic peoples of eastern Europe, and Russia, are the progenitors of all whites, genetically speaking they are the most ancient white people in fact.  From the slavs, came the goths (ancestors to scandinavians) and later on the celts, who were the first to enter Europe, and the Celts branched off into various peoples; Dacians, Thracians, Latini who would go on to become Romans, and a band even wandered into the middle east where they became the Circassians.

    If the Circassians, who now live in Jordan, look European, it is because their ancient roots are tied to ancient Celtic tribes.

    I'm too lazy to look for the source so, here is a google search suggestiong;

    the genographic project.

    That will tell you with more detail, and scientific accuracy, where white people came from.

    Hope this helped, oh and, by the by, I'm an Iraqi Jew with pure Hebrew blood, who has ashkenazi Jews insanely jealous of the purity of his bloodline.  Especially a stupid girl.

  7. Well, the answer is still Europe.

    Humans are believed to have first appeared in Africa - to be specific, in the Great Rift Valley region of East Africa.  Our species, Homo sapiens, eventually populated the entire African continent.  About 50,000 years ago, humans from African migrated to the Middle East and from there to Asia, Europe, and Australia (and later to the Americas).

    In Africa, two evolutionary developments had taken place: the loss of body hair (probably to make sweating easier and more effective), and the related darkening of the skin (since hair was no longer present to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays from the sun, darker skin evolved to protect humans).  When these dark-skinned humans migrated to other parts of the world where the sun's rays were not as direct and damaging, the need for protective dark skin was diminished.  In addition, because the biosynthesis of vitamin D requires absorption of ultraviolet light and dark skin interfered with that among humans living in subtropical regions, light skin again appeared.

    So to answer your question, white people originated from northern regions of the globe (read: Europe) where dark skin was unnecessary for protection from the sun's damaging rays and where dark skin made the biosynthesis of vitamin D more difficult.

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