
I'm dreaming about stairs.?

by  |  earlier

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Because it's summertime now, I'm actually able to get a full night of rest. With rest comes sleep. For me, that also means dreams.

I'm not sure why but whenever I can remember the brief flashes of my dreams as I wake, I recall broken stairways somewhere in the middle of whatever building I'm in. Broken as in there is a perfectly good staircase but it has large sections missing and it generally looks like there were never stairs there in the first place (think M. C. Escher-esque that makes sense)

Usually, I get pretty annoyed in my dream because the missing stairs are the ones that I need to get where I'm going.

There's always some reason for me to traverse the stairway -whether it be to run away and hide somewhere or to go fulfill some obligation or maybe just to satisfy my own curiosity of what's going on over wherever.

Normally, I'd just give it up as one of those typical strange dream quirks (I have extremely strange, long, typically-containing-a-complex-plot dreams)

but this one peculiarity has been popping up quite a bit.

My question is -- what do you think it means? I'd appreciate something with a bit more substance than "well, ur trying to go sumwhere."

I realize different people have different answers. I like that.





  1. maybe it a metaphor and you are trying to get/reach something and there is something in you way.  

  2. Why are you trying to interpret dreams?  does that make it meaningful to you to try and figure why your mind works the way it does?

    Dreams are made up of conscious unconsciousus thoughts and or experiences..

    Your mind has a need to make it all make some sense when in fact it never does.  A dream is a dream so put what you already are aware of into practice and grow and become the person you want to become.

    Don't stir up fears anuncertaintieses on purpose..Focus on a plan and purpose and get going to the stage of your great and exciting life...

    That is what is going to change things in your life.

    Look for your own self worth and don't let your mind wonder off in all directions. Think on purpose and on profitable thoughts. Things that will change  you and change your life.

    I wish you would get this book I found online that has your own name throughout with positive affirmations about your own positive qualities.

    You can see it at the site belos after you fill in the first page of info.

    It is a great way to focus on the fact that you deserve a great life by believing in who you are......Many athletes have this book and use it daily to encourage themselves and give them power to do what they do with excellence.. It's a great book !  Also there is a book called Powerful Attitudes by the same guy...It is also excellent to learn how to become a greater person who believes that anything is possible because they are born special.  Everyone is but only a few realize it !

  3. Maybe you worry too much about things and you don't know what to do.

  4. It seems to me that there might be something missing in your life.  When we are missing things we cannot become the person we are meant to be until those gaps are filled.

    There is probably something that you need to accomplish in order to fill the gap in your life so that you can get where you need to go.  

    I know it's not a popular thing but becoming a Christian and developing a relationship with Jesus Christ and God is un~explainably fulfilling. It doesn't always make everything perfect but it does make life easier to  handle.

    I wish you the best.  

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