
I'm drinking 50 units a week is it excessive? im a male?

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I'm drinking 50 units a week is it excessive? im a male?




  1. 1/2 of my intake......

  2. I drink a case of beer a day, In my world your fine....

  3. yes, it is 29 units a week too much

  4. Yep, it's way too much. Recommended intake aside and I'm not getting into discussions about whether or not the government researched the thing properly, how many calories are you consuming in liquid form? What effect is your intake having on your health etc in general? Can't be good. I'd keep to two drinks a day max except for special occasions.

  5. When I saw the post saying that the 21 unit 'rule' was made up, I nearly choked.  I thought 'Surely the establishment can not be using bogus data to underpin health policy' so I investigated a bit.  They aren't.  They are not using any data at all.  It was genuinely plucked out of thin air in what we used to call a SWAG. Scientific wild arsed guess.

    The genuine epidemiological studies appear to give conflicting results but the general conclusion is two fold, the type of person you are genetically and the type of alcohol you drink are at least as important as how much.

    50 units of 5% lager equates to about 17.5 pints resulting in a big beer belly.

    50 units of 12% red wine equates to 5.5 bottles or .8 of a bottle per day

    resulting in a healthy heart.

    The only true way to determine how you are fareing is to get a liver function test.  Continue to drink at your current level (if you are not already cirrhotic) for a period and test again, if your liver fuction deteriorates then you are drinking too much, if not then you are fine.


  6. Its been admitted recently by the people who designed the recommended units - per - week scale, that it was a complete fabrication and not based on any scientific fact at all.

    Its commonly recognised amongst health professionals that you can drink a moderate amount and die at forty of liver failure, just as you can drink 100 units a week and live till you're a ripe old age.

    Its more connected to genetics, as are most things these days, rather than lifestyle choice. 50 units a week could be good or bad. Its like asking - 'are you more likely to get hit by that bus when crossing the road than the next guy?'

    It depends on an infinite number of things that we don't understand yet.

  7. I'm drinking thirty and i'm thinking that is bad too!!

  8. the government recommend 3-4 units for a man a day, so i think 50 a week is excessive,

  9. according to medical experts yes.  

  10. Yep. Look forward to serious liver problems.

  11. 50 a week !! .......your just an apprentice !  50 a day is excessive ;)

  12. thank you

  13. yes it is

  14. Yeah it is m8 - try and cut down.

  15. A perfectly reasonable amount I'd say. Listen, this so-called 'reccomended weekly intake' nonsense from the science bods is overly-cautious. One must also consider quality of life. Why, if I had lived my life continually denying myself the wonderful gifts of gin, wines and real ale, then I will have lived a life of misery and want. Instead, I have indulged and made merry at every opportunity. Red of cheek and bulging of bladder, I've soldiered on through to the marvellous valley of inebriation countless times and not regretted a moment.

    You carry on old chap.

  16. no offense, but thats not enuf

  17. If a pint is 2 units, that's only 25 pints a week, or three pints a day-ish.

    A well-built male should be able to handle this perfectly well, but if you're a small bloke (pint-sized!) maybe lay off a bit.

  18. The daily unit level is a figure contrived by some boffin prat it is not arrived at by scientific means.I believe it varies from person to person and race comes into it the effect of alcohol on your body. But 50 units is a bit excessive

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