
I'm dropping out of college...What should I say to my parents?

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I have finished 3 years of college and I have decided to drop out before fall term begins. My parents have very high expectations and have given me over $80,000 to pay for school and living expenses. I know they will be very dissapointed and angry. What should I tell them?




  1. You are kidding right?  It seems to me that you are a selfish child...And have no regard for how many sacrifices your parents made to build for your future.  Before you tell them, ask them if they have been wealthy all their lives or if they were ordinary people when they first met??  If they both had to work long hours and make sacrifices by not being able to be with their kids as much as they wanted.  Then by all means blow off the last year so you will not have a better future. You might get lucky and get a flash in the pan job that pays well for a short time then what.  With the degree you can secure your future and also the future of your children if that's in the cards.  It is only one more year...Then you have the rest of your life to decide what next.

  2. Reconsider dropping out of college. Talk to a counselor and your parents beforehand. Also, remember that one more year in college will help you for the rest of your life in terms of employment, education, and relations with your family.

  3. Tell them you are not mature enough for college and want to move into their basement so you can afford to pay off the money you owe them.

    Don't drop out... you are almost there!!!

  4. After 3 years you might as well go through with it. If you do quit don't listen to you're parents you're grown give them the rest of the money and make your own decisions. This is why i payed my way through college.  

  5. tell them you know you are making the biggest mistake of your life, which you are.

  6. Well first off dropping out of college is the worst idea.. stay in school and further out ur education! but if u must let then know and explain to them  that college isnt for everybody and ull repay them for the gift of a good future they gave u/

  7. I think you will be silly drooping out from college before your full term begins,your parents true they have high expectation , and they gave you $80,000 to pay for school and living expenses,so do not disappoint your parents,try to do your best to stay because your future depends on what you decide ,do not drop out from college, It is the best thing you can do to please your parents and to educate  your self further.

  8. Why would you drop out when you are this far in.  You need to go to your school counselor and just talk to them about your options.  You loose your credit for all of the courses you take after a few years, so you will not be able to come back where you left off, however, if you finish your degree, you will be much better off in life.  You are going to mess up a lot in your life.  Go the extra year and get the degree.

  9. Ask yourself why are you dropping out and what are you going to do instead. Think very seriously about this. Also what course are you doing??

  10. i honestly think that you should stay in school...if you've already completed 3 years then you shoudnt let all of that go to waste. juss finish your last year, no matter how annoying and tough it is. that way you can please your parents, and get a degree out of it. you only have one more year to go before your free to do whatever else your interested in. you came this far, you might as well finish the job. good luck with everything and i really hope that you stay in school :)

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