
I'm drunk, how do i sober up quick?

by Guest33055  |  earlier

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im drunk, how do i sober up?




  1. Eat a carb filled meal. Also drink a gatorade (or something similar), lots of water, and coffee.

  2. Scare your self sober, try calling the cops on your self, you will sober up quick. but seriously scaring your self get the adrenaline going will get you thinking that your sober, but just eat some thing. And why you want to sober up, thats why you got drunk in the first place.  

  3. Hi not T.

    Two things you can do first take cold shower i repeat cold not hot because cold shower makes active you nerves faster which makes you sober quicker and another thing drink lots of water and eat food if you feel better.


  4. Carbs carbs carbs. A nice hot shower, and coffee, while not sobering you up, will help you. Eating and drinking lots of water is your best solution. AND it will keep you from a hang over since the only reason you get a hangover is being dehydrated. If you're throwing up, eat some saltines and drink a glass of milk. You'll throw up one, maybe two or three more times [just the slatines and milk] and then you'll be done throwing up. Then take your shower. A short nap might help too, but it might make you worse. Sleep is always the best, most natural solution tho. Energy drinks can help, because the caffine and carbanation can dilute the alcohol in your bloodstream quicker, making the effects less noticable, and eventually go away quicker because carbanation gets into your bloodstream quicker and cafine stays in longer.

    Good luck. Hope these help.

  5. you must eat and you will be fine  

  6. you can't

  7. Only time will really sober you up.

    In the meantime, have something to eat (greasy, salty, etc) and drink lots of non-alcoholic fluids.  

    Get some rest, and when you get up, drink some gatorade and something with caffeine (coffee/tea/cola, etc)

  8. Time.

  9. you can't only time will tell  

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