
I'm due this Monday and I just wanted some tips on how to speed it along!?

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I'm 1 1/2 dilated and the baby is very low and I think I already lost my mucus plug and I have had cramps for about a week now!




  1. walk, from what i hear that is the best thing you can do!!!  i have tried the rasp leaf tea, pineapple, spicy food, etc...nothign worked.  my doc said to stay away from castor oil...everyone else says walk and s* of luck~ enjoy your little one!

  2. Take a nice long walk every day, and have lots of s*x this weekend.

    Good luck!

  3. Walking, rock in a rocking chair, drink plenty of water.Rocking always helped me.

  4. Contact your doctor for some advice I was due on the 25th and now they are inducing me on Tues. the best thing for you to do is contact your's always give the best advice especially since they are the next ones in your life to know your body well GOOD LUCK!!

  5. keep walking that will help a lot so you can dialed faster  

  6. Keep  walking!  If you are cramping and already lost your plug it should be very soon!

  7. Walk!  Try eating spicy food, but honestly try to rest because I was sooo anxious to get my little girl here that I didn't sleep much that last bit before she arrived........and well needless to say I haven't slept much since she was born 5 months ago!!!!!

  8. Just rest watch tv and eat, pretty soon your won't be able to do any of that just enjoy this time and the baby will come sooner or later

  9. walk alot!!! That's what I did with my first child and I had him a week early.

  10. as all the others have said, walk...

    when you are in labor at the hospital and slowly progressing they have you walk to speed it up. if you have lost your mucus plug it shouldnt be long, it was a few days with my 3rd child after i lost the mucus plug.

    walk. walk, walk,

  11. If you've lost your plug, you're on your way. Hate to be so bold but s*x might just do the trick.

  12. There is nothing you need to do. Your due date is an estimate only, not a target. Babies are born in a range of time. Waiting until your body goes into labor automatically will assure you that your baby is completely ready and that your body is also ready to give birth. Most healthy babies are born naturally ten days after the estimated due date. More labor signs to watch for on the link below. Best wishes, G

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