
I'm embarrassed by my babyish room. My wet diapers & plastic pants in my pail clean diapers stacked

by Guest59975  |  6 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I'm embarrassed by my babyish room. My wet diapers & plastic pants in my pail clean diapers stacked

 Tags: babyish, Clean, diapers, embarrassed, Im, pail, pants, plastic, stacked, wet



  1. Guest60040

     I am a girl,15,and a bedwetter and wear cloth diapers with plastic pants to bed every night.My bedroom is some what babyish and i like it! I have a diaper pail also for my wet diapers and my diapers are in one drawer of my dresser with my diaper pins and my plastic pants are stacked in the drawer below my diapers.

  2. Guest59992

     Hi,you didnt say if you are a girl or boy.If you are a boy,then you should be embarrassed by your babyish room! If you are a girl,then its normal for you to have a babyish romm and wear the cloth diapers and plastic pants! Many parents with bedwetting teen daughters have them wear cloth diapers and plastic pants as they are more appropriate for girls.If you are a girl,then enjoy your babyish room and wearing the diapers and plastic pants.There is nothing wrong with a girl being a baby and wearing diapers.

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