
I'm embarrassed by my friend who is loud and obnoxious?

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I'm a quieter type of person, and somehow I became friends with this girl who is really loud and screams often and talks to strangers about nothing in particular. Well I'm embarrassed when she starts screaming and stuff...and it makes me seem even more subdued...any solution in sight?




  1. That just means they're immature. Just hang out with different people.

  2. I have friends like that...walk away and go do your own thing when she starts in. People will come and talk to you, if not, you still won't have to listen to her! Take her for what she is and choose what you do with her.  

  3. i once had a friend that recorded my loud mouthed friend on a tape recorder than let them hear themselves. the guy was so embarrassed that he never was the same, and we all were able to keep our eardrums  

  4. Nope. She is who she is, and you are who you are. Neither one is better than the other. For you to ask her to change is wrong, for her to ask you to change is wrong. You either accept each other as you are or you don't.  

  5. you could look at her as a really obnoxious person or you could see this as an opportunity to meet new people and come out of your shell a little. Obviously your friend has no problem meeting new people so use this to your advantage to also meet others and socialize more.  You two are actually perfect for each other because you are quiet so she kind of helps you to get out there more and you help her to clam down and be more relaxed.

  6. Eh, i know what you mean. I have a friend just like this, and I really enjoy hanging out with her by ourselves, but once we're with other people she tends to embarrass me /:

    What I do is just get other friends that you know are pretty chill to hang out with while you're with that friend in public, then if that friend get's... obnoxious, it looks like you're with those people. (as rude as this sounds)

    But if it's just you and her, people aren't going to look at you as annoying because you're with her. It will be "that one crazy girl, and her chill friend"  

  7. When my best friend gets too loud, I start to whisper, that is my signal to her to tone it down.

    I've also put my hand over her mouth, which embaressed her so much, she shut up all together!! LOL

  8. I'm the same way, quiet. I have a friend who is very loud, and hyper. I just talked to her about it, and she understood, and tones it down around me. Good luck!

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