
I'm embarrassed to go to the gym?

by  |  earlier

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do you think if i lose weight at home, maybe 30-ish pounds until i feel better about myself - with exercise of course! but not as targeted as at a gym with a pt, obviously, because i'm not an expert. and then i start going to the gym, will i still have problems with excess skin? will 30 pounds give me that if i try to exercise at home?! i'm just really worried about the skin thing, haha.

i am 179 and want to be 110, p.s. so that's 69 pounds.




  1. i can see where your coming from. but u have to start somewhere. and the truth is, it is harder to get motivated at home. the gym atmosphere is ideal to motivate u and push u to go further. plus the gym has all the necessary equipment (more variety).

    being surrounded by fit people motivates u. plus people around will be able to see ur progress as time goes by and they;ll be impressed when u lose 70 pounds! and that will be a great feeling!

  2. dont overdo cardio...just limit to 30 minutes daily...lift weights on alternate days and do yoga/pilates on remaining equal preference to toning exercises will make loose skin appear less chronic...appearance of loose skin means that you can lose more weight,so keep up with the healthy lifestyle to combat the is to expensive and painful

  3. you can definitely lose 30 lbs on your own with no personal trainer.  all you have to do is watch what and how much you eat and get some exercise.  even just going for a long walk everyday will work.  and once you feel better about yourself you'll be more comfortable going to the gym.

  4. you shouldn't be embarrased about your weight not everyone is born to be michael Phellps. you just need to do what you think is right you should go to the gym but dont work yourself to death. maybe start walking a mile a day. i walk a mile and a half with a dog and i have lost some weight. i am sure there is going to be stretch marks if you are large but they will dissapear.

    p.s. even if you went to the gym there would still be stretch marks.

  5. go to a gym called exclusivley women, I am not sure if its in your area but you can check and if its not check for other gyms that only have women at them , because it is all women of all different shapes and sizes , and you are all there just to workout and maybe even make friends and find some workout buddies , and trust me its not all skinny minnies that go there either , me and my grandma went one time and ahah , i loved it . So theres no hot men there to intimidate you !

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