
I'm engaged and 14 years old, what is your opinion on this and how should I tell my father and mother?

by Guest56222  |  earlier

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Your opinions are greatly appreciated but please no rude comments.




  1. honey you are a child and you dont even know what the h**l engaged means much less what marrage or the word love means. your an idiot and you need to rush back to school. SEE? I BET YOU'RE "TOO YOUNG FOR ME TO BE CALLING YOU AN IDIOT" MY POINT EXACTLY........

  2. First of all: congratulations!

    You are very young and I'm sure your personality is still changing, as well as his, if he is close to your age, which I hope. Which means, that chances are, that the two of you might change too much and end up not loving each other anymore.

    And there's no need to tell your parents. If you are going to get married, you have the eternity ahead of you. Wait 4 more years, before telling anyone and then get married. And I bet, that revealing the fact, that you were 4 years engaged before marrying, is quite a big and pleasant surprise for everyone.

    Also, I'd suggest you to make some researches of people getting engaged at a very young age. How it turned out for them and how did their parents react, if they chose to inform them?


  4. you are far from taking the responsibilities of a marriage! You have no job, you dont have well developed sexual organs, and u are engaged?? are u kidding me??

    There is still lots to enjoy at a young age. Go to school, take vacations, have fun with your friends.

    please,take time to grow up and mature. marriage is not for you NOW..

  5. if you are serious- congratulation

    if not -- troll.

  6. I don't think it matters what anyone tells you, you won't listen, you're 14 you know everything right? Well I thought I did when I was your age. You'll have to experience it for yourself, watch it nor work out (for the best) and learn from it. You don't know yourself enough yet or have the capability to assess what you need/want in a lifetime partner, but marriage has now become something to do, and I don't believe most people take it seriously anymore, don't get married, wear the ring spend a year or two with this guy if you're meant to be you have a lot of time to get married.

  7. What is your fiance like?  Is he older and able to support a family?  I think 14 is too young to be engaged.  Either your fiance is older and may be taking advantage of you and will treat you like a child or your fiance is also a child and isn't ready to be getting married either.

  8. you don't know what your saying just wait grow up more do you even have an engagement ring on or just words.

  9. jajajajaja, are you sure the diamond is real??? big mistake, thats what youll say when you turn 30 and realize you ruin your entire life by getting married at 14.

    take time to be a kid, and when you grow up and get and education, take time to meet the right person.

  10. Hate to break it to you, but there is a 99% chance you two will NEVER get married. So really, there's no need to tell your parents.

  11. Just so you know, you can't get married until you are 18 (in most states). Anyone younger has to get permission from their parents.

    Your parents will never give you permission.

    And besides, next week at school, Billy will say "hi" and you'll have a crush on him instead of your fiance.

  12. You aren't going to want to hear this, but 14 is far too young to be engaged. At your age, you don't even know what you want to be when you grow up, let alone who you want to spend the rest of your life with.

    Whatever you are feeling right now - love, lust, or a combination of the two - will fade as you both get older and more emotionally and intellectually developed. I promise you will look back at this "engagement" and wonder what in the world you were thinking.

    You and your boyfriend may think you are engaged, but you are not. If you tell your parents, you should probably expect to not be permitted to date again until you are at least 16 or 17. If you were my daughter, we would be sitting down and talking about the difference between love/s*x and common darn sense.

  13. If you were my daughter you better be engaged to a 14 yr old boy or someone is going for a trip up the river

  14. are u kidding me?

    ur so young, u cant even handle marriage, and maybe a kid in the future.

    live ur life rite now, u have so many years to go.

  15. You won't like my comments, BUT as a parent you will get them anyways. You are still a child and have no idea what marriage or even being engaged means. You are not mature enough to care for yourself let alone to play house with some boy. This boy had better be a minor or his behind is headed to's called either Statutory Rape or Contributing to the Delinquency of a child. I think you are in love with the idea of being engaged and have no idea what is expected of you. You need to get your backside to school and play with your classmates, and enjoy being a teenager. In fact if you were my daughter I would probably put you into counseling or therapy, and then Ground you for a month.

  16. Its puppy love young lady . Chances are you guys will grow apart before your can legally get married unless your pregnant if that,s the case i wish you all the luck in the world telling mom and dad and i sure wouldn,t want to be there .

  17. You should not be engaged at this age. tell your mother and father. They will know what to do.

  18. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but at 14 you have no clue on what your saying. First finish school, get an education, and maybe later on you'll have time to think about getting married. Marriage is not easy. I've been married for 7 years and its certainly no picnic. On the other hand, I understand how you might feel, butterflies in your stomach, etc, etc, etc. This eventually goes away in every relationship. Not to say that love goes away, it doesn't but you need to work at it for it to stay alive. At 14 you will really need to have the maturity of a 50 year old to make it work without the resources you normally have when you are older. Sorry, but I think your parents are going to flip and rightfully so.

  19. You are way to young. I don't recommend getting married until you are at least 30 years old. You have to live your life first on your own before getting married for the rest of your life.  

  20. I'm not sure, but if my daughter told me this I'd tell her to wait until she's at least 18 and graduated from high school before even thinking of marriage! 14 is way too young- go have fun while you still can!

  21. I had to take a moment and just sigh when I read this.

    You have so much more to live for right now than thinking with what's between your legs and under your ribs.

    You need to enjoy your time just being with friends and doing teenage stuff, and getting yourself on track for a great career in something you're interested in. Being 14 an engaged isn't going to fly in ANY state, especially when you aren't of any age to consent, and your parents are going to rip you a new hole when they find out that their daughter isn't as intelligent as they thought her to be.

    Do something worthwhile with your time, and I hope this guy isn't some 18 yr old or older because then I would definitely wonder why the h**l a MAN wants a child... but beyond that.. you should be getting good grades in school, seeing movies, hanging with girlfriends, trying to do community service so you can create a resume for college or jobs.

    Get away form this guy and straighten your priorities out.

    Having a husband and raising kids is no easy task. I went through years of college and being married was 100% more difficult than a 50 page paper about philosophy.

    Best Wishes. Hope you make the right choices.  


    I wish you and your fiance years and years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years of happiness.

    14 is a perfect age to make a life-long commitment. I'm sure when you tell your parents they will be thrilled.

  23. to all the other people who answered this question, engagement is not the same as marriage!

    you can be engaged as long as you want, and its not legally binding

    you don't actually have to tell your parents (unless you are planning on getting married before your 18) because there's no way they'll find out, and they'll probably give you a big fat lecture on how stupid they think it is and how your to young to do anything like that, and if you care what your parents think, it will probably ruin the moment for you. if you really want to tell them though, remind them very early on in the conversation that engagement and marrage are two different things

    congratulations and good luck!


  24. Well, all I can do is think WAY back to when I was 14...hmmmm

    That was about the time I had my first 'real' girlfriend.  Of course I couldn't see her much over the summer cause neither of us drove and we lived too far away to walk...The next school year came around and she decided she didn't like me anymore.

    I'm not saying the feelings you are having aren't real.  I know they are.  But they aren't enough to place the rest of your future on.  I say, have fun.  But don't let anything get too serious, the chances are too high right now that by next month you both will be with someone else.

    By the way: Don't have s*x, and if you do, you had better use protection.  All we need is another kid having a kid.

    Best of luck to you.

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