
I'm exercising twice a day, can I pretty much eat what I want?

by  |  earlier

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..Please don't tell me 'burn more than you consume' as I don't know how much I am burning. I usually have a run in the morning and a game of tennis in the evening.

Lately I've been allowing myself more treats at night like a big bag of sweets, but other than that I eat very healthily and my meals are all correctly portioned and balanced with lots of fruit/veg/lean meat/wholegrains.

Can one big bag of sweets cause damage to my weight? I'm trying to maintain at 115lbs.




  1. pple dont understand when u workout HARD u get hungry..ive been eating alot lately i workout 1 time with weights in the morning and another 1.5-2hrs of soccer 5x a week those days i eat like 1000cals more i just get so much more hungry..and ive lose weight lol so no dont listen stick with ur healthy foods just treat urself 1 night a week though u know dont wanna eat too too much at once BUT h**l ur running u do need energy just add more healthy foods also..but ha yea ur right once u have 1 candy u want 20!!! haha =) i know what u mean im off that stuff now though welll trying to be lol no worries if u keep up ur exercise ur set stop exercise and eat that much then no ull gain weight

  2. If you keep up the exercise, and don't stop eating your healthy foods, you will be alright

  3. Just eat what you are comfortable with. If you feel full, stop. If you need to eat, do so.

  4. A whole big bag of sweets a day is a bit much, try to limit yourself to, say, four at the most

  5. Just limit yourself to half the bag and it will make a difference. But don't stress or be upset about limiting yourself, you're entitled to a bit of a treat eh?

  6. Big bag of sweets?  What, like a family sized bag of Revels or similar?

    No - you can't eat that in a day and expect to maintain not only your weight but also your health & your complexion!

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