
I'm expecting us to break up?

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I've been feeling up and down in the last week as my boyfriend started at his new sixth form. I have to wait three weeks to start mine and i hate sitting at home alone and bored all day. I'm starting to feel really weird while he's at school but when he comes home, i'll talk to him and i'll feel fine. It's strange because i don't think it's the sixth form thing, i think it's good we're going to different sixth forms and i love the fact he's making new friends. I love hearing the stories about them and how excited he is that people are finding him funny.

I think i'm anxious because i'm sort of expecting us to break up although we shouldnt do because we are so close. This time last week we were pratically perfect. Today i realised that i may be anxious about this because of things in the past. We were together for 11 months two years ago and broke up for two weeks and then we got back together for another 9 months. We then broke up for 11 months before getting back together this January. We've been together just 8 months now. I'm starting to think that perhaps i'm worried because its sort of the near the time we've broken up in this past and the new experiences in our lives is adding to it. I know i'm being paranoid and i've spoken to my boyfriend about it and i feel fine after the talk but i can't help feeling the same the next day when he's not here. I haven't been like this since the first time we went out.

Things are so different now. We have never had as good a relationship as we do now. How can i get over my feelings? I feel really weird, sort of anxious and feelings of jealously. But theres nothing to be jealous about. I don't know how i'm feeling - i just feel weird. It's almost laughable! Because i won't feel like this in a minute, it comes and goes! Maybe its because i just want to start my new sixth form? Because he looks so grown up already and he's only been there a week!

Can somebody help me sort myself out until i start my sixth form?




  1. Honestly it's as simple as this. If you are Expecting something, especially something negative it's going to happen. Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? If you keep thinking that over and over, it's going to happen then it will. You need to stop thinking that way, unless you Want it to happen.  

  2. just give it time until u go to six form, i no how u feel, my bf used to work nights so he wud be asleep all day and we wud have 4 hours together in the evening, until i got a full time job i used to hate it when he had to work but when i started working all those feelings just disapered, i dnt think ur expecting to break up ur just feelin low cos ur still off, when u go back u will feel much better

    just try not to worry about it

  3. This is part of your growing up process, too.

    No reason it should break up.  Keep on being you.

  4. I think the problem is that you're sitting at home all day bored and you have too much time to think about things. You and your boyfriend seem to be very close and it really doesn't sound like you have anything genuine to worry about - but I think you already know this don't you? Its a weird time because you're both experiencing a big change in your lives going to different sixth forms and perhaps you're a bit anxious about this change and not sure whats going to happen. Also, perhaps you feel a bit wierd because you can't share your boyfriends expereinces by telling him about your time at your new sixth form or new friends you have made because your time hasn't come yet. All the time you're at home these thought are going round in your head - you feel unsure and insecure but when you see him and when you talk to him, you feel fine. All I can suggest is that you try not to worry. It is a big change for you both and things are bound to feel a bit strange at first but have faith in your relationship. Things are obvisouly going well and you're very close - you described your realtionships as perfect! I don't think many people can say that. You'll feel so much better when you start 6th form yourself. In the mean time though, try to keep yourself busy. Make sure you get out and about. Why don't you meet your friends for lunch or go out shopping for new clothes and things you might need when you start 6th form? You'll be fine. Stop worrying, keep yourself busy and the days will fly by.

  5. There are few things worse in life than when you lose the one you love. Your life stops.

    you are devastated, and in many ways there is a feeling of hopelessness.

    Most of all, you are feeling life will never be the same.

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  6. i think it might be scaring you a bit that he might find someone else and you want him near. New experiences mean new people and new people make other people disappear. I'm not saying its happening but I'm sure that something like this is going through your mind. Your paranoia might be coming from the distance that might grow b/w the two of you. I say you ask him how he feels about this situation and it looks like your afraid that you'll break up. If you don't want it to be that way then you have to make sure that's its not what you want. Its all about how you feel, about how you want it. In the end there are no choices but what your heart feels, although there will be choosing.

    If you love him and he loves you, then you both can overcome any obstacle in life, and it sure looks like you have. I mean you brake up and then get back.

    Have faith

  7. I think your trust in the relationship has been broken down because of the past break ups.  You're probably worried that although it's great he's making new friends, that those new friends and experiences may lead to another split......that being separated will only further you two growing apart.  Hun, relax.  You're wasting valuable time with your b/f....worry won't allow you to enjoy the "good times".  If you two were meant to be then you will be.  If the relationship isn't strong enough to endure separate forms and he moves on, then there is nothing you can do about will'll both move on and find who is truly the "right one".  You could actually cause the break up through your worry alone and what would you have been left with?.....months of worry and no fun or experience gained out of it.  Think to yourself "what will be will be, if he really cares and is the one then everything will work out.  If he moves on, it's his loss...I'll simply have to go looking for the right one".  Worry is the most useless emotion...try to relax and enjoy the present...leave the worry until you have kids and a mortgage, don't waste your youth.  Much luck :)

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