
I'm fading away? What is wrong with me?

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I'm 24. I am in graduate school (ironically studying counseling). I've been pretty depressed since a young age and I also have many OCD tendencies. A little over a year ago I had gastric bypass surgery and lost around 112 lbs. I feel like I don't know who I am. I thought losing all of that weight would make me happy, but I feel so alone. I am terrified of hanging out with people outside of school or work...I feel like I don't fit in, and I don't belong. I have crying spells at night, there is an emptiness that is so powerful. I don't know what to do.I stopped answering my phone and my friends never call or invite me anymore (because I always declined).

I'm in therapy, on medication. What is happening to me?




  1. I don't know for sure, but my guess is that you may have lost the weight so fast that your mind image of yourself couldn't keep up with your body-image and it created a sense of dissonance or disharmony for you. You do belong in this world, and I am glad you are in it even though we are strangers. I am so sorry you are feeling sad and empty. It's good you are in therapy..sometimes it takes a while to work. Do you have one really good friend you could talk with? Could you talk with your parents? I think that would be, talk, talk as much as you can with someone who cares about you. That, and try to get used to your new body. Also, exercise really does help when you are feeling blue. I hope this helps.  I hope you soon feel better.  

  2. It's almost ironic that you're asking a question in 'Mental Health' when you are a top contributor in this department.  Anyway, your problem lies with your deep insecurities.  On the outside, you're 112 lbs thinner and look so much better, but on the inside you're still the same self-conscious guy (I'm assuming) and don't know how to handle your new look.  What you have to do is embrace yourself (as hard as that may be) and start to become more outgoing.  To get a start, you should call up your friends and start inviting them out instead of relying on their invitation, which you usually decline.  You need bonds with people.  That is what is going to help you out.

  3. When you allow only yourself to validate you, you get a negative result especially since your standard for yourself if unattainable.  Please reach out to others and just allow yourself to come off your pedestal.  You are taking yourself way to seriously, life is too short.  I bet it is really hard for you to just have fun and not analyze everything.  You are so sweet, smart, kind and giving to everyone else.  It is about time you allowed someone to give you some of that back.  You are so worth it and really need some friends right now.  You can e-mail me anytime.  

  4. You have social anxiety ask doc to change meds


    When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor. God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close

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