
I'm fairly sure my mum is stealing my money, what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I've been working hard and saving up money recently, not only to add to my college savings account, but so my parents won't have to bother to buy me anything, because we're in the middle of building a 1.5 million dollar house.

Recently, I made a small wager with my father, and I went to my drawer where I keep my money[which is out of siblings reach]to pay up.

I counted it, and I was missing around 87 dollars, which I last counted when going on a little art supply spree, which ended up with my grandfather forcing me to make him pay.

I've checked all over, and it's nowhere.

I left a note in my drawer saying we have to talk.


I've had problems with my mother stealing my money before, and she also constantly borrows it, to pay for takeout and the kid who mows our lawn.

Honestly, we aren't in a financial crisis, but I was saving up so I wouldn't have to make my father work harder for something he as a parent isn't required to do[my mother is also an avid money-waster, and doesn't have a job].

How should I approach this, an ways to keep her off?

I may add she has severe anger issues[she often threatens she will beat me to death/beat me up, I'm 14 years], and very childish, to add my father is rarely home.




  1. Find a new place to hide your money.

  2. Have you tried talking to your dad about this?  You say he's not often at home, but maybe the next time you see him, tell him that you have something really important to talk to him about and you want to set aside some time, just him and you, to talk.  He needs to know that your mother threatens you in such a cruel, horrible, wrong way.  She's stealing your money?  That's completely irresponsible and unacceptable as far as parenting goes.  If you can't talk to your dad about it, try talking to another trusted adult, like a friend's mom or counselor at school.  If your mom is going to act like a child, then she needs to be scolded like one.  You should also find a better hiding spot for your money, like in a bank with your own name on the account.  Maybe you could bring that up in your talk with your dad, since you're underage, why don't you go to the bank together and open up a bank account in your name.  This way you can save up your money safely (and if you put it into a savings account you could even save up more money).  I think he'd be really proud of what you're trying to do, I sure would be if I were your parent.  Good luck!

  3. my guess is ether your siblings actually do know where you keep your money, or your moms taking it and spending it on something she doesnt want your dad to find out about, mabey drugs or she could be cheating. Im just guessing though. or mabey she thinks your on drugs and is taking your money so you wont buy n e, or she could be taking your money and putting it in a savings account that she will later reveal to you and youll be all like WOAH i have a lot of money.

  4. put that money somewhere else...and a mousetrap hidden in the freakin drawer.

  5. It is sad that she is doing that but you do not have proof.  I would take some of the money, go to Staples and buy a safe.  This way you can keep your money away from people who want to help themselves.  Do not keep too much in there, make sure you open a savings account and anything over 100$ should be deposited in the savings account.  No reason for you not to earn interest!

    Good Luck!

  6. See if you can get a checking acct or savings account and not with her name on it. see if an aunt or relative that won't tell her anything  can do this for you.  Did you know that there are hollow books out there. I have one and my daughter uses it and I never,never look in it .

    Start sending her a bill that she has stolen, better not yet until you get all your money from the home and make it very short and to the point.

  7. just ask her. if she says yes tell her she has 7 days to replace it or you'll tell your father

  8. Have your mother buy you a cash box so you ban lock it.

  9. Hide your money in another area to start with, and don't accuse her off the bat, try to be delicate about the situation. Also tell someone about her threats, child abuse is a horrible crime and even threatening it when angry is not okay. When your father is home get them both together and try to have a conversation about it so that he is aware of it and you are able to vent your feelings in a comfortable environment.

  10. This sounds extremely serious. Have you told your father, or your grandfather, or any other adult you trust?

    It is NEVER, EVER okay for any adult to threaten to beat or kill a minor, especially a parent. Your mother may need serious help; please contact someone immediately.

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