
I'm fearing for his life.. please help :(?

by  |  earlier

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My cousin is 21 and I've known for a while now that his girlfriend got him into alchohol, pill, and weed. I just found out that he has started using heroin. I know nothing about drugs but I'm scared to death! Can someone tell me what to expect and is it easy to stop using heroin after you start it?




  1. No it i not easy to stop using any of the above. Your cousin has to want to stop. He has to admit he has a problem and choose to do something about it. No one can force someone to go to rehab etc. Forced rehab generally does not work. You can try talking to your cousin and let him know you are concerned. Let him know you will be there for him.  

  2. Stopping people using heroin is never easy, and sadly, "weening" is sometimes the only option.  And although this sounds terribly cliched, rehab (the proper sort, not the celebrity c**p) does help.

    I hope he gets over this.

  3. Family members who are users dont understand how badly drug using affects  their loved ones. I know that once you start a heavy drug it can really take over your life. They are mostly in denial also. Its gonna be tough, but what can u do? He has to admit that what hes doing is wrong and then theres a possibility for rehab.

  4. First of all it's very hard to stop using heroin when you first get a habit with the drug you are in total denial you don't admit to yourself that you have a problem also its a very anti social drug you start to lose interest in your friends and family you will lie to get money so will sell your personal belongings you could speak to him and see what he says try to get him to go to NA meetings there will be some in your area that is for recovering addicts what will help, get him to make an appointment with his GP they might put him on methadone or there is a new drug called subutex what is less addictive and easier with drawls ,basically the best drug on the market for this type of addiction i know all this because my partner also had the same problem he is clean 5 years now so it can be done i hope this helps also there is a program called detox 5 were they put the patient to sleep so they don't feel any withdrawls u can go to good luck. god bless

  5. Karleigh.

    Check out your local Health Department.  They have drug and alcohol treatment programs.  They also have programs for family members.  Join a group where you can learn what you can do to help your cousin.  This isn't a situation that is going to be solved over night.  

    The more you educate yourself on the factors of drug and alcohol abuse, the better off you will be to possibly help your cousin and yourself.  Just remember: Sometimes help comes in the form of tough love.  

    I'll be praying for you, your cousin, and family.    

  6. Not looking good.  There is a whole range of tasks needed to be done to ween this young soul off the negatives, including circle of friends, interests, diet, and faith (or lack thereof).  Being his cousin, you are naturally more interested in his well-being, but coming from an addictive-laden family myself, I can tell you that it is hard.  

    All of us are addicted in one way or another, and the common denominator, in my opinion, is lack of faith.  When we lack a higher purpose we put our future in the hands of others that usually fall down in so many ways.  Pray for yourself and for him the right way, pray that you will lead a life of example and usually the answers will come.  Be it a little thing such as a warm hug or a book that guides him in the right direction.  All will hopefully bear fruit.

    Good luck.

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