
I'm fed up with tattle do i stop it?

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My 5 yr old is constantly tattling. I have told her that unless someone is hurt or doing something they are not suppose to i dont want to hear it. I have 6 nieces and nephews between the ages of 10 and 4 and they all do it!!!

If one just looks at the other they run up to Auntie to tattle on them.

I have put a sock in there pocket (a tail) so they know they are being tattle tails, but they think it is funny





  1. Ask them, "are you tattling or telling?" making them analyze their actions and take responsibility.  If they say "telling" and they are in fact tattling, explain this to them and then drop the subject.  If they say "tattling" tell them (kindly) to figure it out themselves.  This teaches them to sort out differences without constant adult help.

  2. My daughter (8) lives to tattle. She loves to tattle. I just tell her like 50 times a day "worry about what YOU are doing, not what your brothers are doing". I ignore a lot too. I have told her to stop 'cause I am done listening to her complain about what they have done when she doesn't follow MY rules.

  3. Punish them for tattling no matter what it is that they tell you?

    Sometimes they just want to get your attention sometimes they think their helping, sometimes it's revenge and sometimes it's just mean

    Try ignoring them when they start to talk about someone else, telling them that you are ignoring them, tell them if they want to do something else you'll do that but your not going to listen to them talk about whoever it is they want to tattle on, use it to let them know how important family is and how they need to support one another because no is as important as family, ask them how they would feel if that person tattled on them, take them by the hand before they finish tattling and take them to that person and say hey this person is going to tattle on you how do you feel about that do you think it's nice or mean? do you like people to tattle on you or not? after they answer look at the tattler and say do you want to be that? than say well than don't tattle and you won't be that and at the same time you might point out that the other person was mean or whatever the last time they tattled too, so maybe everyone should stop it

    Good luck!

    This has worked for me

    Childern do not always know the difference between what they should tell you or not, and waht is important to one person is not always important to the next

  4. I work at a kindergarten teacher and I understand your frustration.    It's somewhat normal for the age; but, something you do need to nip in the butt.

    Honestly, sometimes I just tell me students, "I don't want to hear it!!", then I'll say "Did he hit you?  Are you bleeding?  Did he call you a VERY bad name"  

    If they say "no", I look at them and say, "Go back to playing!!!"

    If someone isn't bleeding, if someone isn't hurt or getting hit/touched or called a VERY bad name.....I just don't want to hear it.     Sometimes ignoring the petty type of tattling teachs the kids it's not as big of a deal as they thought.

  5. If someone tries to tell on another 'round here, they get double the punishment as the offender. We don't see much tattling 'round here! :) Good luck

  6. Every time they tattle, just ignore them. Don't let them have desert and if they ask why tell them because tattle tails don't get desert. I hope this helped.


  7. make a tattle tale book when ever they come to you to tattle tale tell them to write it in their book keep it going for 1 year or month ur choice then make then read it and theyll notice how it was unneeded tattle tale then they will think of how dumb of a thing they were tattleing on...

    maby itll stop 4 u

    good luck

  8. bride them!

    money but low price

  9. I deal with this all the time as a first grade teacher. I have a long talk with my students and discuss when it is appropriate to tell on someone. It is called "responsible informing" If it is not one of those instances I usually ask, "Is this going to get someone in trouble, or out of trouble?" They usually think about it for second and then I always hear "But, but" and I cut them off and refuse to hear it. They know when they are tattling and if you do not listen, they eventually understand that you only want serious problems brought to you.

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