
I'm fed up with this country. Okay there was an earthquake. What was the headline?

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Set to cost millions of pounds!

Who gives a d**n as long as no one was hurt. Am i the only one who feels that everytime something happens like this it comes down to the money?




  1. You are right about this, always the money!

  2. I get the faint whiff of a rise in insurance premiums !

  3. It will also be the headline's and on the News with all the other old news for months and months, i get the feeling nothing good ever happens in the Uk, always bad news.

  4. i totally agree with every thing you have here..x

  5. Know what you mean, they will probably set up a government task force to combat earthquakes (not that they can be) (meaning just a bunch of 10 fat old overpaid tossers sat behind some desks in a plush new office building £25 million to build (ends up being £100 million - at our expense), getting paid £200000 a year, knowing nothing about earthquakes, £150000 expenses and in 2 years time the result of their findings will be "Well 2 years ago there was an earthquake and after discussions with leading scientists, we have uncovered that there may be a chance that we may suffer another earthquake of this magnitude within the next hundred years, so its a worrying time, we need to invest more cash into earthquake research, 10p in the £ tax rises all roudn to cover it"

  6. couldn't agree more.

  7. I bet the CBI have calculated it down to the nearest penny.

  8. I agree.

  9. i agree

  10. Spot on Nikki C couldn't have said it better myself!

  11. There was no earthquake...

    That's a silly thing to say!

    Earthquake? Here?? In the UK?!


    It was obviously Godzilla...

  12. Yeah,tad mercenary.

  13. I agree.

    I love it that after this 'worst earthquake in 25 yeasr' the worst damage picture they could find is a wobbly chimney!

    Poor buggers in India have hundreds villages swept away in landslides, yet we only complain about the octs of our insuarnce premiums going up.


  14. that's capitalism for you.

  15. Same with the immigration problem, its ok cos they are improving our economy. Even if it were true...

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