
I'm feel a mental breakdown on it's way.... I'M SCARED..?

by  |  earlier

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I am 22. I have not accomplished much.

I have lost the love of my life recently and he has turned cold and won't talk to me. My friends are busy with their own lives, and the ones who are not are just as messed up in their own ways.

I feel no drive. I have asked for advice over and over and I try to take it but I seem to come back to this. Completely unhappy.

I hate myself, I hate where I am in life, I try to advance but it's one nasty circle. I don't have confidence in myself to do much. I have tried talking to professionals, tried meds. I am hoping for a miracle.

Help me in anyway you can please. I'm openminded at this point and will try anything..




  1. I'm truly sorry to hear this. I have to truly tell you, you are not alone, I am in sort of the same situation...I have come to a point in my life when I am now very very suisidal & have no hope & think there is nothing I should live for.

    I have also tried meds & taken counsiling but they only make you try to feel good while you are on them but as soon as you come off then then bang your back to your old self again.

    I honestly dont know what to do. SORRY.

  2. First of all your words could be used by one quarter of all males at some age and by ten percent of all females at some age. Now why should you get more help than they did? Yes there is information you are missing in life. I will try to add some of it in another message.

  3. well you have all the time in the world to take one thing at a time. talk to me about whtas going on and ill help you out

  4. I'd consider a complete change of lifestyle.  You don't mention if you have a degree or anything but thats immaterial anyway.  Get out of there and don't look back.  Whether you just drive 40 miles away or 400 really doesn't just need to get away from the place you're at.  Id recommend moving and hooking up with a new job and place.  In turn a new life.  Sometimes just hanging where you're at stifles your ability to grow.  I can't say I've done it but I wish I would have oftentimes.  Lifes short...take chances.  Good luck.

  5. If it helps any, i am in your situation, albeit different circumstances. "cold, won't talk to me" is something i can relate to and it hurts. It is not a love thing, but it causes anger, like there is an imbalance in how i treated that person as opposed to how they are treating me. Anyway, it hurts real real bad.

    One of the few things that has ever helped me is time. You may or may not be the same. Some of the worst things have happened...dreaded rejections....the only thing that helped was GETTING AWAY from it. Removing cues/reminders of it.  The thing that has never helped was trying to elicit something from the person....that only reopens the wound, over and over again.

    As this relates to the love of your life, try this: Trash all pictures, any reminders of him in your house. Stay away from where he hangs out. DO NOT call him. Radical: change your phone number. Don't make it so that you can even wonder whether he called or not. Unfortunately, you may be in a position you can't escape from, like living in a house or apartment and you're waiting for him to ring the doorbell or something. To solve that, try this: Write him a letter saying that you do not want contact with him, ever again. DO NOT look for a response. The point is, it will extricate you from worrying about whether he has written or called or can always tell yourself that it was because you told him not to. Be creative with your reasons. Whatever it is, you want to sever all ties with him.

    The point is NOT to get back with him - the point is to heal faster. You will heal faster if there is no thruway - from him to you - or from you to him. (i know this from personal, painful experience...but believe me it works)

    He is gone....don't try to reassure yourself otherwise. Don't "hope" that it will change. Btw, he sounds like an *** if he didn't even have the courtesy to tell you what is going on. But that is not the point. It is over.

    And while you're looking for solutions, here's another one: Think of all the unrequited lovers in the true crime genre and be glad you are not someone who did something stupid for unrequited love. You have your freedom. Indulge yourself a little by looking up the idiots who took things to the extreme and remember how better off you are than them.

    For the rest of your life, don't ask or want anything from him. Just remember that your pain is shared by millions of people in this world. Let time heal it.  

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