
I'm feeling emo right now?

by  |  earlier

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why is it that everytime i do something talent wise that i think i'm halfway decent at i find out that suck **** at it. i know one thing i'm good at though. it's called sucking at things. lol. ok i'm done with my emo speech.




  1. Listen, you don't suck at everything. I'm sure you are good at something. Ask a family member or a friend. If you want to talk to me, you can email, and I'll help you through this. Good luck :)  

  2. ur right. i will always be a better pencil sharpener than you. my pencils be the sharpest.

  3. There has to be somethings you're good at but just haven't discovered yet. If you're feeling emo try writing poetry (jk). But seriously, if you love something, do it (even if it is writing emo poems). You're probably just judging yourself too much.

    I used to think that I sucked at everything. But I opened my eyes and found out that I felt that way because everyone thought I was perfect and I was trying too much to be perfect because I knew I wasn't and I wanted everyone to think that I was. Someone would say that one of my drawings was awesome and I would think that it sucked and would have spend a day or 2 fixing it or making another drawing and take a week drawing it. Or the one time I went anorexic for about 6 months because people would tell me that I looked skinny and then I would think that I looked fat. I wanted to be perfect skinny. (My parents found out and threatened to take me to therapy. I immediately stopped.)

    Don't be perfect. Be yourself. People make mistakes, but it only shows that you're human. The "perfect" people aren't really perfect.  =)

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