
I'm feeling nautious, but a little hungry. What's my safest bet to to eat for lunch? Is Jamba ok?

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I'm feeling nautious, but a little hungry. What's my safest bet to to eat for lunch? Is Jamba ok?




  1. crackers and water help for me

  2. crackers and ginger ale

  3. Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

    Chicken Wings!!!!!

  4. crackers


  5. Have some plain oatmeal or toast without butter.

  6. You can safely eat the BRAT diet when you're stomach's upset, and it won't make it worse.

    B for bananas

    R for cooked rice, plain pasta, soda crackers, toast and other simple white-flour carbohydrates

    A for applesauce and Popsicles

    T for hot tea or other clear liquids like bouillon, chicken noodle soup, clear juices, etc.

    Avoid all dairy products; all fats and oils (butter, mayonnaise, peanut butter); fiber like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; and spices except for salt to taste. This gets boring but will help calm the digestive tract, no matter which end of it is in greater distress.

  7. Eat an apple and some crackers. Don't forget to drink something as well.

  8. Dr. Tom Buck, M.d. reporting! If the hunger isn't an actual stomachache, you can't be suffering a bacterial infection (cholera is one that causes gastronomical (stomach-related) problems), as your body literally starves the bacteria of iron. And anyway, natural cures for diseases: if you are attacked by microbes ("germs"), "starve or vomit:" starving purges microbes of iron, and vomiting purges microbes from your body! Hahaha. I don't exactly advise walking into a fancy-pants restaurant, then puking (worse, puking all over the waittress), but stay at home and eat something easy to digest. Chicken soup is a must (if you like it), for it is clinically proven to help you get and stay well. And drink something easy to easy to digest, like milk, not root beer or Coke. If you DO barf, call up your doc. He'll know what to do.

  9. A banana is the best thing that you can have in that condition.  The potassium will settle your stomach.

  10. Eat some tofu.

  11. carrots, or some crackers. Nothing with a lot of acids or grease. Something that's light. :) feel better.

  12. crackers,

    something blan

    no grease or butter.

    slice of bread.

  13. Jamba juice?  Jambas give me an upset stomach.  If I felt queasy, that is one of the last things I would have for lunch.  I would probably try to have some soup (not a dairy-based soup) but something like chicken noodle or a brothy soup.

    [hey Mike: bananas also give me an upset stomach.]

  14. have sopme crakers or lightly buttered toast

  15. yea what that is

  16. wat the h**l is jamba? i would just eat the normal stuff you eat everyday coz you know thats its safe so just eat it and go to sleep and watch TV- relaxing stuff is needed.

  17. Are you refering to Jamba Juice? I think its ok but maybe some soup would be the best

  18. seriously the best thing to eat is toast. it dosent make u throw up.

    soup and stuff like tht can make u throw it up DX so yeah..

    dont put anything on the butter.

    when u dont feel nauscious u can go and eat things.

    but beware of like dairy products. it can make people vomit DX

    good luck! hope u feel better :(

  19. You can eat, you are just hungry, that is what is making you feel weird.

  20. fruit, vegetables, grains, and light meats will be your friends. Dairy is usually a bad thing, as is heavier meat.

  21. Jamba or soup

  22. Just eat something light. nothing buttery, full of fat or a huge meal. Have some soup or something, see how you feel then. If you're not feeling any more nauseous   and still hungry try something heavier later on

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